
Quick stats - I'm not really in the mood for posting

Stats for 10/12:
  • total calories: 2000 - right at my mark. I added in an extra protein shake which put my right at the limit.
  • calories burned: 250 - JW leg workout, EESH! Very sore today, but I still did my arms/abs this afternoon and am super proud of myself for that.
  • 6 cigarettes while having coffee with my friend John.. and fiending pretty bad for one right now, not gonna lie. I'm feeling a little depressed/stressed which always make me want to smoke.
  • 11:30pm bedtime
  • $2 spent for coffee ($32 left for the week)
I was really excited to workout yesterday when I got home. I had done my full-body workout Monday, and my arms were killing me, but wasn't really feeling it in my legs so much... I may have mentioned this already in yesterdays post... so I did the leg workout and it was SO HARD. I'm definitely feeling it today. Did arms/abs today will probably do legs again tomorrow and total body Friday. I'm really thinking about joining the gym - I'm dying to get on an elliptical and use some weight machines instead of doing these videos.. ain't that always the way?

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