
Oh, drinking..

Last night hubby and I went out with a group of friends for drinks and karaoke.

Wine is really expensive at bars.

Beer is not.

Michelob Ultra is my friend.

Mango margaritas are not.

Stats for 12/10:
  • total calories: 2210 - yes, that's 110 over my new limit of 2100. This is mostly thanks to the lunch at WENDY'S I had yesterday... yes, after I posted that big long thing about how I rarely eat fast food anymore. lol But it was definitely the mango margarita that put me over so much. I would have still been okay without that. 
  • no workout - didn't make it to the gym which is okay.. I was so sore from my personal training session I'm not sure I could have really done much anyway. I'm still hurting today, actually. Ugh. Thinking about doing a little bit of yoga to stretch out before we head out for a kiddo birthday party. 
  • 5 cigarettes - the booze kills me every time, man! EVERY TIME. I gotta cut that shit out... the drinking AND the smoking. I know I keep saying that but, ugh, I love drinking. lol  The last time I quit drinking I replaced beer with cola. Whenever I'd go out I'd order a coke instead of a beer.. but I HATE HATE HATE diet coke (plus artificial sweeteners are SO BAD FOR YOU), so I feel like calorie-wise that's not really gonna help me much. Although I guess I could use it to like "wean" myself off the alcohol for a bit... I dunno. We'll see about that. 
  • 1:30am bedtime
  • $20 spent ($0 left for the week/$63 left for the month)


  1. Ever attempted the Coke Zero route? It's not as good as regular but about a million times better than diet.

  2. I totally prefer Diet to Coke Zero. This drinking regular soda stuff is killing me. I need to find a completely new drink alternative.
