
motivation breakdown...

Let's do stats first, real quick...

  • total calories: 2262 - the soda after my 2 beers put me quite a bit over. :-\  I'm thinking I need to reign back in the calories a bit... I think this idea that I can eat 2100/day makes me eat just fulfill my limit instead of eating because I'm actually hungry. We'll see how the rest of the week/weekend goes and what the scale tells me Monday morning...
  • calories burned: 350 - I didn't get the workout in I wanted. I was really looking forward to kicking my own ass and the gym incident I spoke about yesterday kind of severely disappointed me. 
  • not sure how many cigarettes, honestly. Probably about 8 which is over the limit I gave myself. 
  • 12:30am bedtime
  • $15 spent on lunch/going out ($20 left)
I packed my gym bag this morning to take to work but ended up getting out of the office a bit later than I anticipated, plus I had to run to the bank and deposit my paycheck and traffic SUCKED ASS... by the time I hit the bank and got on the road toward to the gym it was already 5pm which was not going to be enough time to do my full workout before it would be time to get James from daycare, so I told myself I would just do it when I got home. Well, apparently James did not have a good day at daycare - meaning he acted like a GIANT BRAT and actually told one little girl that he was going kill her because he was mad. Yeah. Isn't that fucking super? I thought so, too. Then he whined and acted like a big baby the whole drive home, so basically being a parent completely overrode every intention to workout I had. Right now I'm feeling my motivation wash away from me like debris in flood waters...

Our office brought in Subway for lunch today and I ate a whole 12 inch turkey sub.. on honey-oat... which added about 100 extra calories. UGH. Plus we've had a bunch of chocolate candies sitting around the office with the holiday and stuff.. and I ate 3 of those today after my sub. Basically I had like an 800 calorie lunch which kind of makes me feel like I should not eat anything for dinner, but I know that wouldn't be healthy either.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day all around - and hopefully I'll be able to get out of work on time to make it to the gym.

1 comment:

  1. Office food screwed me today, too. Cake. Sandwiches. I mean, it was free and it was tasty but my waistline is not thankful.
