
Calorie overload - and the Tale of Two Wines

Yesterday was our good friends son's birthday party, so off we went for an afternoon of pizza, birthday cake and all-around good fun!

The party was definitely a success as far as the kiddos were concerned - and the adults too for that matter. After all the presents had been taken out of their box and assembled and batteries installed, we all settled in for some grown-up time with drinks and the promise of delicious dinner... courtesy of Steve's frier.

That's right. You read that correctly. Dinner via frier.

This is where it all starts to go wrong... lol

Evan and I head out to the grocery store to pick up things to fry - what a shopping trip! Shrimp, scallops, bacon to adorn the seafood, spinach and artichoke dip, cheesecake bites, etc, etc, etc. Oh. And I picked up 2 bottles of wine. One red, one white.

We get back from the store and I proceed to fix some bacon immediately in a skillet (well, actually it was a soup pot.. you don't get popped as easy that way. heh)... most delicious bacon EVER. Had about 4 or 5 pieces of that.. and then some FRIED bacon-wrapped scallops... and some FRIED shrimp... and then... cheesecake bites.

And all of that would have been just fine, albeit not incredibly healthy... but the kicker is that I then proceeded to drink about 7 glasses of wine.

And that is the story of how my calorie-intake for yesterday climbed to 3220.


I'm incredibly disappointed in myself, but I also know that this is in NO WAY the norm for me. I probably haven't consumed that many calories in one day in almost a year - I think even while on vacation the highest my calories count got to was 2600. I don't have any desire to sit around stuffing my face with bacon and all sorts of fried foods every day - or every weekend either, for that matter! But this was definitely a HUGE hiccup in my general "good health" journey, not to mention the fact that I have no business drinking 7 glasses of wine in one evening. :-\  I said a little bit about cutting out alcohol in my post yesterday and I'm realizing more and more that I definitely need to do that if I can't start controlling my intake better.

So here are the staggering stats for 12/11:
  • total calories: 3220 - it makes me want to throw up just looking at it. lol
  • calories burned: 150 - we played one of those Wii dancing games, so I'm giving myself a LITTLE credit there. 
  • lots of cigarettes.. lots and lots.. *dies*
  • 3am bedtime *dies again*
  • $0 spent thanks to Evan purchasing the groceries for the frier-ganza!
Okay, so here's to starting a new week with lots of exercise and good food decisions! 


  1. But it was all sooooooo worth it, and I'd give you more than 150 calories for all the dancing. You missed my dances :)

  2. We gotta start the dancing earlier in the evening next time! lol

  3. Cutting the alcohol, at least for me, just required like a solid decision. I had a bad, drunken night and I just, finally, put my foot down. Also, I know I can't drink and not smoke, so that helps me to stay away from the booze.

    But that being said, we all have our "oops" days. To fight against them all the time will inevitably lead to your demise.
