- 200lbs
- 35inches at natural waist (the whole "measure at the belly button thing didn't seem to work for me - like I couldn't figure out how to measure EXACTLY the same spot each week)
Stats for 11/3:
- total calories: 1328 - just a quick interjection to say that I've done REALLY well on my calories lately. I rarely cross the 1800 barrier anymore and have just naturally become more conscious of what I can and can't afford to put in my mouth. I did great avoiding processed sugars until Halloween weekend - but I'm not going to beat myself up over that. It's all about moving forward and getting back on track.
- calories burned: 370 - walked last night, which is actually the first time I've exercised since LAST Wednesday... my mantra this week has been "Keep your calories in check" -- as long as I'm not binging missing a couple days of exercise is okay, and my conscience needs to lay off the guilt-trips.
- *cringes* 6 cigarettes. Yes. Yes, I know. I wrote a BIG HUGE LONG blog post yesterday about quitting the smoking... but if you'll also remember, I was quite honest in that I was FREAKING out about it. Well, here's the thing: I realized perhaps trying to add another goal to my routine in the middle of the week wasn't the most brilliant idea I've ever had. So next week, starting Monday, I add the "Avoid Smoking" goal for myself. Perhaps the "Avoid Alcohol" will need to be added as well.
- 12am bedtime - I seriously want to work on this bedtime thing. 6-7 hours a night just isn't cutting it for me. I need that full 8 hours and I feel SO MUCH better and am more likely to get my workouts in when I feel well-rested.
- $8 spent so far for the week ($32 left/$100 for the month of November)
I've really, really, been thinking about this gym thing the last week or so -- I keep saying I'm going to go check out some places and get a membership but I just haven't had the chance yet. It's incredibly frustrating. Today, here in Virginia, it is supa cold and raining and dark and just all around disgusting.. today would be the perfect day to grab my iPod and hit the gym for some elliptical trainer action and perhaps even some weights. But, alas, I have no membership. Maybe today is the day I go to check out some gyms and get it done. My ideal goal is to replace the smoking with the exercise - because honestly the more I exercise the less I WANT to smoke. It all sounds good to me!
I agree that you have to put the goals on slowly and reasonably. Throwing them all in at once looks really impressive, but in reality it just ain't gonna happen. hehe. You'll get there, man. I believe in ya.