
Right quick!

Body stats beginning of Week 5:
Weight: 200lbs - no change since last week
Waist measurement: 34.5 inches - half inch loss!

I feel like I haven't accomplished "enough" for entering my 5th week of this. Granted, I've been slacking these last couple weeks. And I feel like a broken record at this point.. but gym. I need to GYM!!! I swear, I swear, I will call some places this week. And tomorrow night my plan is to go by the rec center where my buddy works and can hopefully getting me in for cheap to do my workout there for the night. *crosses fingers*

Stats for 11/7:
  • total calories: 1588 - not too bad.
  • no workout
  • 3 cigarettes - theoretically my last cigarettes
  • 12:30am bedtime - The Walking Dead comics are SO ADDICTING!!!!
  • $6 spent on Starbucks for breakfast (and I wonder why I didn't lose any weight this week. -.-)
So I pretty much only spent about $25 this week. Go me! And spent none of my month fund so I'm pretty sure I've got all $100 of that intact... if I'm remembering correctly.

Overview for week 5:
- 2000 calories or less a day
- gym-it-up/walk/workout dvd 5 days a week
- avoid smoking
- avoid beer
- get to bed by or before 11:30pm on weeknights
- focus on clean eating
- restart sugar detox


  1. Inches lost are more important than pounds, I'd say! :) I should probably start doing measurements as well.

    Good luck looking for a gym! I'm definitely wishing I still had a membership since I've been having trouble with my foot. The elliptical was always good for that!

  2. Soooo glad you are reading the walking dead!!! Now we can all be geeks at Thanksgiving!

    The gym is so important. Good luck finding one that is a good fit for you!
