
The End of Vacation

First let me say: I’m sorry for not keeping up with my posts as well as I should have – but it was vacation, afterall! Also, no stats with this post.

Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and I gained 3lbs and about a ¼ inch on my gut while in Arkansas. I have to say this wasn’t anywhere close to what I had expected, so I’m pretty happy! However this definitely is telling of how quickly weight gain can sneak up on you.

I was still counting calories for most of my trip and then Weds night and the rest of the week/weekend I gave up. Mostly I was just busy. I’m pretty sure there were only one or two days that I broke the 2500 mark – with the amount of alcohol consumed I definitely breached the 1800 mark every day, but I’m okay with that.

I did at least walk every day while I was down there – Mon I took a quick 15 minute job, Tues. I jogged for 2.5 miles in about 40 minutes, Weds I took about an hour long walk with my cousin, Thurs I played football for about 30 minutes, Friday I walked for 40 minutes with my uncle Marvin and the dogs. This, I think, was the first week I actually got in 5 consecutive workouts/walks/runs! Too bad I was eating so much the whole week otherwise I might have actually lost something.. lol  “I’m soooo full” was the story of my life while I was there. I feel like all we did was EAT!

This week my focus is to take off those 3lbs I packed back on, to get some good hard exercise in, and hopefully finish this book I’m reading. I realized a few days ago, aside from Walking Dead, I haven’t read in probably 2 months. I really enjoy reading and I think it really helps keep my stress levels low, so I need to make finding a good book every couple weeks a priority.

I talked to Mike this afternoon about getting a gym membership – he says he needs to “think about it”. Hopefully he’s okay with us spending the extra $30/month, and hopefully he’ll be done thinking about it before Wednesday when the offer expires. :-p

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