
Positive Thoughts Week 3

I was just thinking to myself, "I probably should post an update soon but I don't really feel inspired to write about anything that's going on right now." And then I remembered that I haven't done Positive Thoughts this week!

Okay, I struggled this last week. A lot. I had a lot of I-want-to-cry-for-no-reason moments and a lot of I'm-crying-for-no-reason moments. Sunday was terrible. The sadness/depression was crushing. I'm really shocked that I accomplished as much as I did, actually. I'm not sure who was making all those errands and things happen, but I sure am grateful to her because I was definitely just existing in an emotional limbo.

So, here's what I got, guys. It isn't spectacular, but it's something.

Week of August 18th:

  1. I got 3 runs in.
  2. I played music for the first time in months, and played with Derek for the first time in years.
  3. My husband got me an awesome new t-shirt - it fits really well and the message suits me:
  4. I went to bed around 10:30pm every night last week. It was phenomenal. 

7 runs in two weeks is pretty darn amazing for me. However, my constant cardio enemy has come back to call on me: shin splints. My left leg specifically. Today I'm even having some hip/knee pain which is super weird and unusual. This week may be more walks than anything else. I'm dog-sitting for a friend of mine, so I'm sure the pup will appreciate some walk-time as well. I'm trying really, really hard to remain positive on this and keep in mind that walking steps are still steps and walking calories are still calories burned. In other words, I'm trying to keep my mental health as much as possible.

I need to get back to strength training. 3 sets of bodyweight circuits once a month isn't going to cut it if I want to work back up to where I was last summer.

I may write a more substantial update later tonight if I can get my thoughts together, but for now this is it!


All or nothing?

So, I’ve been sitting here wondering to myself why I just can’t seem to make the scale move, and basically what that comes down to is this: I’m an idiot.

Here I’ve been feeling like I’ve been doing “pretty well” with my calorie/macro tracking, deciding that one (or two or three) high-cal days aren’t “hurting anything” because in my head it somehow magically balances out… but as I said, I’m an idiot.

My ass has essentially been eating at maintenance the last few weeks. Which is great in the sense that that means I’m no longer eating ABOVE maintenance and therefore no longer continuing to slowly gain weight – but it does mean that the scale and tape-measure are going to continue showing me the same results each month because I’m not putting myself in a deficit except maybe 3 days a week.

Now this is where it all gets a little tricky. A couple weeks ago I dove back into regular exercise pretty hardcore. I went from running once or twice a week and playing tennis once a week to running 3 or 4 times a week, playing tennis, and now this week reincorporating strength training. This may be TMI, but I’ll tell you my menstrual cycle is a wreck and doesn’t know what to do with itself, which is a pretty tell-tale sign that my hormones are going nuts. So while I’m regularly eating anywhere from 2500-3000 calories a day when my deficit goal is to eat between 2100-2300, the reason I’m eating that higher range is because I am all of a sudden starving all the time.

Now, I know I recently wrote that my appetite had been crappy and it was making it easier to eat less and eat better – but clearly my appetite has come back with a vengeance. I wish I could say it’s because my emotional health is doing better, but it’s not. In fact, some days I wonder if I’m worse than just a week or so ago. So the only thing I can figure is that increase in physical activity = spike in hunger and appetite. This is kind of a “duh”, but I just can’t believe with the amount of fat I packed on over the summer that my metabolism has somehow magically sky-rocketed into the 3,000’s TDEE level requiring me to be able to maintain a deficit while eating roughly 2500 calories a day. I mean, that would be nice and all – but it just doesn’t seem very realistic.

As most of you know, I recently started using the FitBit Flex again. According to that, with my increased activity levels over the last 2 weeks, I’m rocking about a 2800 calorie TDEE. Fine and dandy, but even so, I should not be “starving” at a 2100-2300 goal range. That’s ridiculous.

I’m incredibly frustrated right now. I struggle with consistency – in fact, it’s the one thing I’m consistent with – but I feel like during the times that I am consistent I should see some sort of progress. Sometimes I am consistent for months at a time! And still, nothing. Consults with my doctors over the last 8 months don’t show any type of hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, pre-diabetes, etc. – any and all of which would be a reason that I find it so difficult to lose weight/fat. It makes me feel like I’m a just a lazy fatso with no self-control. I get caught up in this feeling of “it’s so easy for everyone else”, except I know that it isn’t. Everyone has their struggles. Everyone has to decide which sacrifices they’re willing to make. Then I think maybe I’m just not willing to make the necessary sacrifices. That is both true and untrue.

I wonder if my self-sabotage comes from a punishment place. I also wonder if my recent increase in exercise comes from a punishment place, as well. Part of it is definitely coming from a fear place. I’m terrified if I stop regularly running (at the very least) I’ll slip into an even deeper depression. About the only time I feel “good” these days is the 2 hours after a run or tennis - I honestly don’t remember if I got the same endorphin high after doing my strength circuits the other night. This is probably another reason why the impending winter is terrifying me. What will happen if I can’t get that regular cardio in? On top of my normal S.A.D.? That just seems like an emotional disaster waiting to happen.

So back to the food thing for a moment… I’ve decided effective immediately, I’m going to start following the Eat More 2 Weigh Less philosophy. I’m going to stick to my 2300 calories, unless I have an extremely high burn day. If at the end of 6 weeks I’ve seen zero change in either weight or measurements, then it’s time to adjust a little bit. There’s no reason I can’t do this for 6 weeks. It’s just really not that much time. I’m also thinking about getting back to either New Rules of Lifting or Female Body Breakthrough for weight training, since EM2WL strongly recommends heavy lifting.

Speaking of lifting… as I mentioned a couple paragraphs up, I did some strength circuits the other night. For those of you that follow my Instagram account, you know this nearly killed me. I’m back at square-one strength-wise and it’s got me feeling really dismayed. I am still sore from that workout and almost everything was simply bodyweight… the weighted exercises I found myself having to resort to my 8lbs dumbbells. This is what happens when you quit completely for a couple months and then ramp up the cardio. In Bro Speak: you kill gains. My gains are so dead right now. What’s even more upsetting is that I know I won’t be making very many new gains eating at a deficit… but, honestly, right now I’m in a real “run it off then bulk it up” mentality. That I can most certainly tell you comes from a punishment place. I love the running, don’t get me wrong. I already talked about how it helps keep my already-low mood somewhat stable. But I am feeling very “fuck it” right now with strength training. I want faster results, man. I couldn’t tell you if running with actually do this for me, since when I was training for my 5K I was holding fat like nobody’s business, but I’m really wanting to see some change on the scale.

I know, I know. Scale isn’t everything. I feel like I practically invented that mantra within my social circle. But right now the scale is everything to me and I want to see it move, damnit. And if that means I’m “skinny fat” at 170lbs, then so be it. If that means the scale bumps up to 180 when I start working toward strength gains and muscle hypertrophy, I’m okay with that. But right now I am so sick of flirting with 200lbs. 195 is too damn close. I’m over it. I can’t see that number anymore. It’s driving me insane. I can’t get right with it.

I wish I could say this talk is coming from my Deep Dark Depression Place, but really I think I was just lying to myself when I wrote that I could be “okay” with this weight and body aesthetic for the rest of my life. Who knows anymore?! Maybe I’ll start an anti-depressant, find a therapist that works better with me and offers me the tools I’m looking for, and get right with myself emotionally and all of a sudden love the hell out of this body I’m in. Part of me hopes that happens. But right now, punishment or not, something’s gotta give. And it sure as hell isn’t my mental state, so it may as well be my physical.

I’m not trying to say that being skinny or “cut” or whatever is going to magically make me happy or lower my stress levels or make me love my job more or make my kids behave better or make me more money, but at least I won’t have to feel so guilty about being fat anymore. At least that will be one thing I can cross OFF of my List of Failures.

…I’m sorry. This got kind of real dark real fast, and I didn’t intend that to happen. It ain’t all about skinny, it’s mostly about healthy. But it’s some about skinny, too. Just like the smoking and the drinking if driving, this needs to be a non-negotiable for me. I can’t give up on myself just because it’s easier to eat mini candy bars at work all day and follow that up with some Oreos or maybe Dairy Queen at night. Talk about punishment. Fuck. I deserve better than that. I deserve to eat those things sometimes because I really want to eat them, not because “I may as well”.

I deserve to be healthy and happy. And if I can’t be happy, I can at least make my best effort at healthy.


Positive Thoughts Week 2 and some other stuff

Week of August 11th:

  1. Running in the rain is awesome.
  2. Running 4 times in a week is also awesome.
  3. I am lucky to have such wonderful friends such as Melinda, and even luckier that she had dinner and drinks with me and let me talk about myself almost the whole time and didn't judge me.
  4. Harvesting fresh fruit (picking blueberries from my dad's blueberry bush) is satisfying and fulfilling in a way that nothing else is. I hope to plan a veggie garden and perhaps my own blueberry bush next year so that I can experience this amazing feeling on a more regular basis. (As Fleet Foxes sings, "If I had an orchard, I'd work till I'm raw.")
The last couple days have been pretty weird. Again. We had some people over for a last-minute cookout Saturday night and I went for a run beforehand. The run felt good and the weather was gorgeous. The food turned out well at the cookout and everyone seemed to have a good time. I felt a little detached from the whole thing, but wasn't totally miserable. I drank probably two more beers than was necessary, but was by no means drunk -- and I also smoked a few cigarettes. Huge mistake. My husband even told me, "You're gonna regret that in the morning." I sure as hell did. Ugh. I've been "slipping" on that a little too often lately. Once a month is once too often. I need to recommit to myself, get back to making it a "non-negotiable" for myself. 

Sunday I slept about 14 hours. Not all at once, but between overnight and naps throughout the day, about 14 hours. And I was still tired enough to go to bed for the night at 11:30. Monday morning I felt as if I couldn't have easily slept another 2 hours, even after 8 hours in bed. That's definitely the depression. My energy level should not be so low with the regular exercise I've been getting and decent sleep schedule I've been on. I got out and ran a few errands, but almost burst into tears in Target for no reason. The same thing happened to me today during a meeting at work. It's weird, it's like I would love to cry. To cry real hard for a real long time. It would feel so amazing, but I can't. I get a little misty, but then it just kind of glosses over and I go back to feeling numb/bored. Tonight that shifted to anger for a little while; frustration over the house being messy and a bunch of dirty dishes being left in the sink. I felt better after working out. 

Oh, yeah, so working out. I decided to do some strength training tonight for the first time in... um... a really long time. At least 6 weeks. It's been months (and months) since I've done any heavy lifting. I'm back at square-one, folks. It's incredibly frustrating. I'm back at bodyweight and my 8lbs dumbbells for everything. I've put together a basic circuit training routine and hope to be able to stick with that 3 times a week on top of my running. I'm not going to try to overload myself, but I could probably benefit from some yoga in my life, too. I'm going to try to motivate for some Sun Salutations in the morning, just 15 minutes or so. The stretch will do me good after all the leg work tonight. I can already feel my quads and hamstrings yelling at me, and this was just BODY WEIGHT!! I'm trying really hard not to get down on myself over this. I've been struggling with a lot emotionally and it's okay that I let some things go for a little while. It's also okay that it may take some time and patience to work back up to where I was a year ago. It's good that I'm even trying to get my lady muscles back. 

I'm struggling quite a bit with going back to eating a deficit. I did all right for a couple weeks when my appetite was real low, but I think the increase in activity has boosted my appetite and I'm find it hard to not eat at maintenance every day. Now, it could be with the increase in activity what used to be "maintenance" isn't anymore, but I'm also not trying to fool myself. It's one thing to have a 3,000 calorie day a few times a month, it's another to have it be twice a week. Part of me feels like if I'm hungry, I should eat - but another part of me wonders if that's just my body trying to stay at its current set point. A set point at which I no longer wish to be. I'm really not stressing too much over it at this moment and more trying to be positive about being able to keep motivated to exercise near-daily. Overall, the exercise consistency is more important right now for my mental health. Once that is under better control, I can focus on giving up the Oreos. 

Now to switch gears pretty quickly: after some thought and discussion, I'm going to let my therapist know next week that I may need to start seeing someone else. He's a nice dude, but I don't think he's providing me with the cognitive behavior-type therapy that I was really benefitting from with my last therapist. Maybe we can work it out and he can adjust the way he's been working with me or hopefully he can refer me to someone who can provide me with the tools I need. I've also scheduled an appointment next month with my doc to not only to get my blood work rerun to check my triglyceride levels, but also to discuss possibly going on an antidepressant for a little while. I'm really worried about how much worse things could get for me once winter starts to set in. Winter is hard enough on me when I'm in a "normal" emotional place, I can't even imagine the level I could hit this year without some kind of intervention; whether that's increasing the frequency of visits with my therapist or medication, something will have to give there. 

I will say I feel a bit better having made the appointment with my regular doc, and making the mental decision to talk with my feelings doctor. There's a little less weight hanging over my head. I'm also glad I made myself get the strength workout in tonight. As I said already, I hope I can keep the motivation to keep up with that and the running. 


Debbie Downer

Yesterday was a weird fuckin’ day. I don’t know how else to explain. I was pretty “up”, but in this really kind of manic/euphoric/”too up” kind of way. And then I felt happy/excited and numb/neutral all at once. I found almost everything funny or uplifting and sort of glossed over anything else. I went out for trivia night for the first time in over a month and had a great time. But shortly after returning home, I crashed. I crashed hard. I wanted to just sit and cry. I was exhausted. I felt stupid and ugly and fat.

This came completely out of nowhere. The last couple days, I thought, “All the cardio!! It’s working!! The endorphins are killing my depression!!” I was still down, but not Deep Dark Depression down like I had been the last few weeks and even up to this past weekend. I was laughing more, finding positives in things, being somewhat productive at work. Until I wasn’t anymore.

If I wasn’t so absent-minded, I feel like it would do me some good to track my moods and see if there’s any kind of pattern. If it’s a cycle, or if it’s random. If it’s caused by outside stressors, or just inside thoughts. That’s part of why I’m writing this today. This will at least be a partial documentation.

Some of you may be aware of this phone app called “Timehop”. It accesses your Facebook and shows you your status updates on that day’s date in years past. I came to a very upsetting realization – I’ve been struggling with these feelings for a lot longer than I realized, most of them materializing during my pregnancy with Nolan. While I knew at the time something was wrong – crying everyday for no reason, generally not being interested in anything, feeling like I was losing my identity, feeling alienated from my friends, having to use sick days because I just couldn’t get out of bed – I attributed most of it to my pregnancy hormones, but I took the right steps and began counseling for the first time in my adult life. I thought those feelings of depression and anxiety were stemming from memories of my first pregnancy, which was a very tumultuous, sad, and stressful time in my life. I had normal baby blues postpartum, continued my counseling, and by that summer my counselor told me she felt like I was doing pretty well and I could call if I felt like I needed to come in for an appointment but there was no need to keep anything regularly scheduled.

About 4 months later I started wavering again. I put it off and put it off – making the call, scheduling the appointment. “I have the tools, I can work through this. I just need to eat better and exercise more, do some yoga, write it all down, find my positive affirmations, don’t give in to the automatic negative thoughts. It’s okay. I have the tools. I have the tools.” I started blogging a lot. But not about too much of my personal life, except the story of how I punched my microwave that one time and why. In my blogging I was constantly beating myself up over my lack of “priorities”, talking about being on and off the exercise bandwagon, etc. etc. etc. I’ve always struggled with consistency. Now, whether that’s just the type of person I am or a side-effect of my depression/anxiety, I have no idea.

I think it was finally around spring 2013 that I called my counselor to schedule an appointment. I think my husband told me I really needed to. I think, because I don’t really remember. (My memory has gotten really bad lately. I’ve probably mentioned this before… but I don’t remember. I know this is a very common side-effect of high stress as well as depression. I’m aware of it. It continues to get worse and worse even as my depression waxes and wanes.) The woman I used to see was no longer with the practice – in fact, she wasn’t in private practice at all anymore. It was devastating. I wasn’t interested in seeing anyone else in that practice, though I probably should have just scheduled an appointment anyhow. I told myself I’d ask around for some recommendations and find someone else.

I didn’t actually call anyone else for another 10 months. The beginning of this year. And only after I began to realize that I wanted to somehow be dead a lot of the time. Not kill myself – just not be alive anymore. I mean, I already wasn’t really alive, so what was the difference? Everything is just horrible and miserable, so what’s the point? I’m a terrible wife and mother and a disappointment as a daughter, so really no one will miss me; they’ll be better off without me.

That’s pretty scary. What’s scarier is that in starting with this new feelings doctor, I haven’t ever verbally expressed that I had these feelings. I wasn’t purposely keeping them a secret, I just felt like it wasn’t really that big of a deal. I mean, I didn’t want to kill myself so I wasn’t suicidal, right? That’s kind of how I thought of it. Wishing you would go to sleep and just somehow not wake up the next morning is not the same as actively taking steps to ensure that one day that would actually happen. At least, that’s how I thought of it at the time (and even now sometimes). And then after a couple months I didn’t really feel that way anymore. I don’t know what changed, really. I just felt a little more normal. But that didn’t last very long. Maybe 5 weeks at the most.

With the way I’ve felt lately, it’s probably about damn time that I mention the “sometimes I wish I were dead” at the beginning of this year, because I’ve had moments in the last couple months where I’ve felt that way again. Not everyday, not even consecutive days at a time, but for a morning, or an afternoon, or an evening here and there. I’ve felt pretty worthless mostly, and like a disappointment. That’s not a fun feeling. It’s not an okay way to be.

I’ve been thinking a lot on medication recently. I’ve always been against medication for “mild” depression. I’ve always felt like there are just so many things you can do to naturally work through it. All the things that I struggle to consistently do all the time; exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, meditate/do yoga. I don’t even have an official depression diagnosis, let alone know if what I struggle with would be considered “mild” or not. I still get out of bed every morning and take care of my kids and go to work and clean my house and do my laundry. I still bathe regularly. I feed myself pretty regularly. I still make plans and go out with my friends.

It’s just that sometimes I start crying for no obvious reason, or I feel numb and just sit around and stare into space thinking about nothing and everything. Sometimes when I’m out doing something I know I should be having fun, but I’m not or I don’t care or I’m just bored, even though I know I used to enjoy those same activities.

I know that I don’t want to feel this way anymore. And where I am right now, today, I feel like it might be this way forever. That I’ll never have more than just a couple weeks (a month or two at best) of feeling “normal”. Not even happy. Just normal. I can’t live like that. I need some fucking JOY in my life, man. I need motivation and purpose. I feel like where I am in my head right now I will never find that. I will never love myself as a person enough to make the hard decisions and take the necessary risks. That is fucking terrifying!! I don’t know how to let it all go. And I don’t even know if it’s a matter of “letting it go” or if my brain chemistry is just out of whack.

If there is a pill that can make these feelings even 20% less of what they are right now, that would be fantastic. Sign me up. And this is coming from the girl that had two of what I consider to be the worst side-effects when I was on Prozac for my anxiety several years back; insomnia and “sexual side-effects”. It suuuuucked. But y’know what? I didn’t feel like my airways were restricted and my heart was going to explode out of my chest every time I was out in public anymore. And that was pretty awesome. Now, the difference there was that I also knew it was temporary – I was learning how to identify my triggers and then coming off the meds. Which I did after about 6 months. Sleep and sex went back to normal pretty quickly. I also wasn’t working at the time, so the loss of sleep was not that big of a deal. I could take a nap in the afternoon when James took a nap if I felt like I needed to.

So what is the point of divulging all this information to you, Dear Readers? I have no idea. I’m sort of just brain vomiting right now. Yesterday was really fuckin’ weird and I just needed to talk (type) it out and work through it. This morning/afternoon were rough, but I’m feeling a little bit better now. I did just play 2 hours of tennis, so the endorphin boost may have something to do with that. We’ll see how tomorrow morning is. Tomorrow night I have dinner plans with a good friend that I don’t see very often and I am looking forward to that. Hopefully I can maintain a decent mood and be able to enjoy dinner and drinks with her. That would be super duper.


Positive Thoughts - Week 1

I've started keeping note of positive thoughts throughout each week to help battle my emotional funkiness.

Week of August 4th:
  1. I have good teeth and gums that generally don't cost me more than the price of semi-annual cleanings and the occasional filling.
  2. I make friends easily and can carry on a conversation with almost anyone about almost anything.
  3. I have really beautiful, manageable hair.
  4. My kids are happy, exceptionally smart, and usually pretty healthy.
  5. My body may carry more fat than I would prefer, but it is healthy and works properly and allows me to do almost whatever I want.
At first I wasn't going to share these because I thought they were mostly shallow. But then I realized, that's okay. Because if I can like and be positive about the superficial things, then maybe at some point I can like and be positive about the deeper things. You gotta learn to swim before you jump into the deep end, right? So, shallow positive thoughts it is. 


I'm a lying liar!

I'm sure most of you probably anticipated this.... but: my venture into sobriety lasted all of 48 hours. After a lengthy talk with my husband Friday night (about many different things, not just the drinking thing), he at one point said, "Why are you doing this? I'm sorry if this is rude, but I think it's dumb. It's a total overreaction to one night." At first I was all, "Are you enabling me?!?!", but then quickly realized Mike isn't one to enable anyone about anything and if he truly thought I had "issues" with my alcohol consumption he would have told me a long time ago. He made a good point in that I over-drank, I drove when I didn't have any business driving, and it scared the shit out of me. That's not my norm. I don't get wasted and get behind the wheel. Clearly bad decisions were made and I'm lucky that I didn't hurt myself or anyone else. But Mike made the point that I'm totally capable of limiting my intake when I choose, that I rarely drink to get drunk, and that this "challenge" read more like self-punishment than self-improvement. 

That really rang with me. That's exactly what this was. This wasn't going to make me a happier, healthier person. It was just another thing to torture myself over, to be miserable about. It was dumb. It was dumb because I was lying to myself (and you) about the reason behind it.

So I dropped it. I’m dropping it. I had a few drinks Saturday night. It was fine. I didn’t drink to excess, I didn’t drink to be drunk, it didn’t make it any harder to get out of bed the next morning. I didn’t feel the need to have any more than what I had. I didn’t feel the need to drink again Sunday night. It just was what it was. And it was fine.

I’m a lying liar and I’m not going to quit alcohol for 30 days. I am going to be conscious of using alcohol to self-medicate and be sure to set hard limits for myself if I must drive. If I feel like I’m drinking because I don’t want to feel feelings anymore, well, that’s probably a good night not to drink.

Now, back to our regularly schedule programming: 

I recently returned to two old frenemies, MyFitnessPal and FitBit, for a daily dose of reality. I haven’t done any type of strength training in over a month and my adventures in cardio lack consistency. What’s left? Diet and steps. So I’m tracking it all again. I had gained weight. (Imagine that. Drinking tons of beer and eating whatever the fuck you want while not maintaining a decent exercise routine leads to weight gain. Who would have thought.) Not a ton of weight, but roughly 4 pounds. Clothing still fits the same, measurements are roughly the same, but I’m a little mushier than I was and would like to be.

Okay, let’s be honest: I’ve been a little mushier than I want to be for a while now. And while it’s excellent that I’ve had weeks and sometimes months of feeling really honestly good about myself as a person and the body that person lives in, it all eventually comes back around to feeling like I'm too heavy. And sometimes too big. And really none of that can change without a diet overhaul. And it's easy to eat a bunch of junk all the time when it's not staring you in the face in the form of a food journal.

As I spoke about in last week's utterly depressing update, I've had very little interest in food lately. This (bright-side) has made it relatively easy to make healthy choices since I have zero fucks to give about what I eat since nothing tastes delicious or happy these days. ...not that food should taste "happy"... but... "worth it", I guess. Except Oreos. Oreos always taste worth it. And other cookies... and ice creams... but I just try not to keep too much of that around lately. I've been living off a lot of Greek yogurt, fruit, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, giant salads, homemade vinaigrette, and salmon. Lately it's been very easy for me to under-eat, and I get hungry... but nothing really seems appetizing. Or I can't possibly be bothered to cook or fix myself something because sitting on the couch staring into space feeling sorry for myself is just so much more fun. The above list are all things that are quick and easy for me to make and therefore motivate to eat. Bonus that most of them are healthy.

So, I'm tracking calories/food journaling again and I received my replacement FitBit about 10 days ago and have once again returned to loyally wearing it day in and day out. So far I have yet to become completely obsessed with my step count and have not yet allowed that step count to determine how I feel about myself and my life. Key word here is "yet". I hope I can keep a healthy mindset about it and allow it to do its job in assisting me in my getting healthy process without taking over my every thought and feeling.

Lately I find myself wanting to schedule changes. "I'm going to quit drinking for 30 days!" (lies and fibs), "I'm going to get up and run every morning!" (so far, not happening) "I'm going to sit down and write a whole album's worth of new songs in a week!" "I'm gonna keep a notebook with me and write down positive thoughts everyday!" "I'm going to schedule lots of events to keep myself busy and distracted from hating life so much!"

While my intentions are really good on all this stuff, I also know this is a guaranteed way to make me feel horrible about myself. That's a lot of stuff. And realistically, I will probably only accomplish maybe one or two of those things (or none at all), and then feel like garbage for not doing everything I set out to do in whatever imaginary time-frame I've given myself to do them. (I don't have a time-frame for most of those things, but that doesn't mean I won't feel like I've failed them 4 days from now when I haven't done any of them -- or even a year from now, for that matter, having accomplish 2 or 3 of them.)

I'd like to think I'm trying to take my #365daysofchange challenge seriously by coming up with these accomplishments and activities I've set/scheduled for myself, but it doesn't come from that rational place - it comes from a distraction place. If I can't be happy or "live in the now" or rediscover my joy, then I'm sure as shit going to just keep myself so busy with social activities and "projects" that I don't have time to think about the fact that nothing is fun or exciting anymore. Instead I can just be focused on being busy and stressed out!! Because that's healthy!!

Anyways... so, bonus, I did realize I exercised every weekday last week. I ran Monday, tennised Tuesday, took a good walk Wednesday, ran again Thursday night, with another good walk Friday. I keep thinking to myself, "Maybe you should go down to the basement and lift some of those heavy iron things..." and then I'm like, "Nah, I'm good." I don't know what my deal is there. I've always loved strength training, but for some reason I've got it in my head lately that it "betrayed" me somehow. I'm sure that is partially a scale-weight response. It's also easier to blame the strength training than to blame myself for the inconsistency. I'm sure as the weather gets cooler and the daylight hours shorter (I'll talk more about that in a moment, too), I'll find myself gravitating less and less to my outdoor runs and more and more to the warm confines of my basement and the weights that live there. Right now I want to focus on consistent runs (if for nothing more than the mental health benefits), and consistent diet/calorie deficit.

I haven't done this in a long time, but here are my current stats:
Weight: 195 lbs on 8/2/14
Bicep (flexed): 12"
Bust: 38"
Under bust: 34"
Natural waist: 33"
Waist at navel: 37"
Hips: 44.5"
Thighs: 26"

And photos:

It is almost mind-boggling how quickly I pack on fat. These photos are a major departure from where I was at the end of my 100 day challenge, merely two months ago. Granted the lighting was more flattering from my 100th day, but I have the outtakes from those photos and even the "bad" ones are better than these.

I'm sick of being in the 190s. If I'm not going to increase muscle mass, I need to be closer to the 170s. That's just all there is to it. Pushing my body out of this set point is gonna be tough since I've been maintaining at this weight and general fat percentage level for a while. I'm hoping getting back to basics will get it done, but it may take a while to figure it all out. And some serious dietary discipline on my part.

My main concern at this time, however...  I mean, I don't know if y'all know or not, but winter is coming. And I don't mean that as a Game of Thrones reference, I mean it quite literally. We are just a handful of weeks away from the return to hoodie weather and 6pm sunsets. And I can.not.deal. I'm terrified and am having increased anxiety over the approach of fall and winter. It didn't even get warm here until June. And we've had maybe two weeks' worth of actual hot weather. All and all it's been a pretty mild summer, as my a/c bills can attest. This is a bunch of malarkey. Summer should be hot. And winter snow storms should not linger into April... much as low temperatures of 30s and 40s should not linger on into June. Not in Virginia. In Maine? Wisconsin? Winnipeg? Sure. Not here. No siree, Bob! ...moving to Florida is looking more and more appealing.


30 days

I drank too much last night. This is not uncommon. It happens every couple weeks. Sometimes more often, sometimes less often, but the point is that it happens regularly enough that you would think I’d know better by now.

I thought to myself this morning, “Starting today, no more alcohol for 30 days.” Then I immediately came up with all these reasons why I “can’t” stop drinking alcohol for 30 days. Which then immediately made the rational side of me say, “This is exactly why you need to give up alcohol for 30 days.”

I mean, I’ve been saying for months (if not years) how much I’d like to just be a morning person, to get up and go run in the mornings before work, etc. A big reason why I have a hard time in the mornings (aside from just not really being a morning person) is that if I have more than one alcoholic beverage it makes me about 90% more likely to stay up later than I’d like to (if I were sober), which in turn makes it 90% more difficult to get up at my usual time, let alone an hour or two earlier in order to do exercise. I’ve also been known to say things to the effect of, “Well, if I could just give up beer I’d drop a ton of weight, I’m sure!” While that may not be entirely true since I’m sure I’ll just replace beer with soda or something equally as calorically damaging, it certainly couldn’t hurt. And I know for sure, 110%, that's something that will certainly lower my triglycerides... which, btw, I still haven't gotten checked. I'm waiting for my new insurance to start September 1 and then I'll schedule the appointment.

I feel like this isn’t making as much sense as I want it to, but basically it boils down to this:
  • I’m not drinking often, but when I do I’m drinking to excess and it’s unnecessary. 
  • I’m feeling like my socialization shouldn’t be solely based on and revolve around drinking alcohol. 
  • I want to be able to have one or two drinks and enjoy them versus feeling like I have to drink because “it’s what I do” or some other such nonsense.

I’ll be honest, I am totally terrified of this idea and am worried I won’t be able to do it – mainly because I just have that personality that the moment you tell me I can’t do or have something, that’s the only thing I want to do or have. But I’m giving it a shot anyway. It shouldn’t really be that big of a deal seeing as I rarely drink more than once or twice a week anyway – at least, that’s what I’ll keep telling myself.

*takes deep breath* Okay, so, beginning today, August 7th, 30 days no alcohol. I got this.