
Positive Thoughts Week 3

I was just thinking to myself, "I probably should post an update soon but I don't really feel inspired to write about anything that's going on right now." And then I remembered that I haven't done Positive Thoughts this week!

Okay, I struggled this last week. A lot. I had a lot of I-want-to-cry-for-no-reason moments and a lot of I'm-crying-for-no-reason moments. Sunday was terrible. The sadness/depression was crushing. I'm really shocked that I accomplished as much as I did, actually. I'm not sure who was making all those errands and things happen, but I sure am grateful to her because I was definitely just existing in an emotional limbo.

So, here's what I got, guys. It isn't spectacular, but it's something.

Week of August 18th:

  1. I got 3 runs in.
  2. I played music for the first time in months, and played with Derek for the first time in years.
  3. My husband got me an awesome new t-shirt - it fits really well and the message suits me:
  4. I went to bed around 10:30pm every night last week. It was phenomenal. 

7 runs in two weeks is pretty darn amazing for me. However, my constant cardio enemy has come back to call on me: shin splints. My left leg specifically. Today I'm even having some hip/knee pain which is super weird and unusual. This week may be more walks than anything else. I'm dog-sitting for a friend of mine, so I'm sure the pup will appreciate some walk-time as well. I'm trying really, really hard to remain positive on this and keep in mind that walking steps are still steps and walking calories are still calories burned. In other words, I'm trying to keep my mental health as much as possible.

I need to get back to strength training. 3 sets of bodyweight circuits once a month isn't going to cut it if I want to work back up to where I was last summer.

I may write a more substantial update later tonight if I can get my thoughts together, but for now this is it!

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