
Like being low

I don't know what my deal was yesterday - I packed my gym bag to hit 20-30mins of cardio after work, but by the time 4:30pm rolled around I just didn't have it in me to do anything but go home and sit on the couch. And that's what I did. I sat on the couch and read for about 3 hours, then Mike and I put in a movie and went to bed. Getting out of bed this morning was next to impossible. I'm really ready for this weekend - I think. I don't know. Maybe it's good that I've been so busy between work and home - it's been able to keep me distracted somewhat from some things that have really been bothering me. I've also been incredibly productive!

Yesterday was a good day food-wise:


  • breakfast: oatmeal w/ stevia and cinnamon and a splash of 2% milk. 
  • am snack: raw almonds
  • lunch: baja salad from Wendy's - asked for chili on the side (btw, full salad w/ dressing but only half the chili is only 440 calories), wheat thins
  • pm snack: goldfish
  • dinner: one slice leftover thin-crust supreme pizza, had half a reese's whipps bar for desert. 
  • no workout - we went over this earlier
  • 1 cigarette
  • $6 spent on lunch
  • 11:30pm bedtime
I did actually count calories yesterday, just because at the end of the day I felt like I had eaten TOO much - so I added it all up real quick. I was at 1440 for the day. GO ME! I think I've regularly been hitting between 1900-2000 a day, probably one day a week quite a bit more than that, and a couple days a week a bit less. So far the no-calorie-counting is working out pretty well. I feel less stressed about food, and I'm going to the gym because I WANT to go to the gym - not because I feel like I need burn off a certain amount of calories to balance out my daily intake. Mentally I feel like this is a much healthier option for me. At some point I really need to sugar detox again because my cravings for sweets are getting a little out of control lately even though I'm able to exert some willpower and not binge on candy and the like... so far. 

I'm definitely planning to hit the gym today - it's weight lifting day! And I need it... so bad... hopefully we will have time to go home for lunch today and I can put together a new playlist with the BILLIONS of new songs/albums I downloaded the other night to make my gym trip even more therapeutic. 

Also: I will be weighing myself this Saturday to see if I've dropped any pounds at all in the last month since I stopped doing regular weigh-ins and stopped calorie counting. I need to see if I'm in any way on track for my birthday deadline of... not being the same weight I was last time I weighed myself which was February 26th and I was at 195.8. So by Saturday it will have been exactly a month since I've stepped on a scale... I think? Let's hope it goes well!!!


  1. I like your new background!

    I hope you'll see some progress on the scale on Saturday! It sounds like you're in a much healthier place mentally. And it looks like you generally eat really healthy foods, so I think you will! If not, don't let it get you down! We all know the scale can be pretty unreliable most of the time....
