
Overloading and over.. educated?

I have had so many amazing health-related conversations this week. From my husband deciding he's "sick of being fat" and asking me to help him with his diet/nutrition as well as put together some kind of a training routine, to discussing at length and into the wee hours of the night the corruption of the FDA and the food industry in general, the obesity "epidemic", how these things effect the idea, implementation and application of universal healthcare, and learning about the French Paradox... it's been awesome and chaos all at once.

Today I read the history of saccharin. No, for real. It was fascinating. Aspertame as well. Even MORE fascinating and terrifying.

I always felt like I knew this, but now more than I ever I'm realizing how important it is to consume REAL FOOD. Natural, grown-in-the-ground, raised-on-a-farm, non-genetically-modified, locally-grown/raised FOOD.

I learned that in 2010 a bill that was passed regarding the FDA and its control over... well... the human race... has essentially made the FDA a "super force", in which they now can control what you put into your body and you have absolutely no say. No say whatsoever. It also outlaws homegrown foods. Be careful not to post anything on Facebook about the vegetable garden you planted this year. (Learn more about the FDA bill here (this bill was actually passed and signed into order by the President under H.R. 2751). This is a good breakdown. I even read some of the actual bill. Ugh. THAT was fun!)

Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

I was amazed that I didn't really hear about this while it was going on... but I guess it wasn't considered "real" news.

Sorry to get so crazy serious all of a sudden. It's just... very scary. The political climate right now is absolutely terrifying. This may sound completely radical and insane... but there is a part of me that questions my decision to bring another child into this world. Things are getting too deep now - but that's kind of where I am when I think about the U.S. lately. It makes me want to look into living in other countries. I hear Switzerland is nice, albeit cold.

Getting back to more of the light and fluffy!

I'm very excited that Mike has decided to jump on the get-healthy bandwagon, even if it is for purely aesthetic reasons! I am in the process of doing a little more reading/learning about male physiology and how to best utilize cardio vs weight training. I know all about the female side of this, as I am one and am completely obsessed with learning everything I can! (Even though I don't always apply that to myself as I should...)

I will post here about what I find and how it's working.

I ordered a book about the French paradox, and I'm really excited for it to get here so I can delve in and perhaps experiment with the French "diet" - lots of cheese, bread, and wine? Sounds like fun to me!!

I did amazingly well with my calories over the weekend. Yesterday, not so much... damn Dairy Queen... but nonetheless. I logged a nearly 3lb loss on Friday, I'll take it! I must be doing something right.

Here is my food for the weekend and beginning of this week for those that are interested:

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It is definitely scary to read about all of the stuff that the FDA allows, and the stuff it doesn't! The fact that they regulate what we're "allowed" to eat is scary enough! But a lot of the things they consider safe are pretty ridiculous.

    You just have to look at the growing allergies to gluten, milk, etc. to figure out that they are obviously doing something different (and worse) to the foods we eat than they were doing 50 years ago.

    I'm interested to hear how the book on the French Paradox is!
