That’s what I said a week ago. Well, a couple
days turned into a whole week… a week filled with some smart food choices, but
mostly filled with pizza (4 times in 3 days) and beer and movie theatre snacks.
And more beer. Oh! And no sleep. Less than 5-6 hours a night.
No wonder my pants don’t fit right today.
That’s right, folks. MY PANTS DON’T FIT TODAY.
Now, logically I know this is due to water retention/bloat from my poor eating,
lack of exercise, and general lack of priorities when it comes to sleep… but
two solid weeks of little-to-no exercise certainly isn’t helping me – and, of
course, my complete and total lack of regard for my diet and what I’m feeding
my body. (Look out – here comes the self-hate cycle!!) I’ve started hating on
myself pretty hardcore the last couple days. For my regular followers, you know
this is pretty typical when I’m not keeping up with regular exercise and eating
smart. My jeans digging into my belly as I write this is a pretty clear sign
that I need to kick my ass in gear this evening and either get a jog in or hit
the weights or something… ANYTHING!!
I’ve been trying to figure out what set me off on
this (the food is just laziness and falling back into bad habits – see also:
lack of willpower) – and I think I’ve narrowed it down to boredom. While I’ve
continued to enjoy running/sprinting a few times a week, my strength routine is
getting me DOWN, man. I have no motivation. I think part of it is feeling like
I’m not seeing results – but, shit, how am I supposed to see results when a) I’m
feeding my body processed junk every day, and b) I’m not CONSISTENTLY lifting? Half
the effort = half the results, none effort = none results… and on top of this I’m
afraid I’m starting to gain back body fat… not weight, mind you. Fat. My weight
hasn’t fluctuated below/above 189/192 in 9 months. …let’s not even get started on my
ever-present disappointment with that… but, more importantly, I’ve gained some
inches back around my waist since the beginning of July when my junk food addiction
returned full-force.
I’ve never been one to really preach hardcore “clean
eating”, because Lord knows I don’t follow that… but I’m realizing more and
more how super important it is to have fast food/restaurant food be the
exception and not the norm.
Back to the exercise boredom… I’m thinking about
doing a week or two of 30 Day Shred (again), just to get myself back into the
swing of things. I may supplement this with running, I may not. We shall see.
But I am done with allowing myself excuses. It’s one thing to take an extra
rest day (or two) due to some deep muscle soreness and/or shin splints acting
up, etc. – it’s NOT okay to take extra rest day just for the sake of laziness
and feeling sorry for one’s self. It doesn’t make me feel better physically or
emotionally. In fact, it just makes it worse.
I also need to start acting like a damn grown-up
and making sleep a priority regardless of what day of the week it may be.
Sleeping less than 5-6 hours a night just because it’s Friday or Saturday is
unacceptable and is probably reason numero uno that I’m starting to pack back
on the fat. Sleep is so important for
proper hormone function, especially
while working toward fat/weight loss. I would also do myself a big favor by not
using beer as a lifting recovery beverage!!
*sigh* Just when you think you’ve got it under
control, folks – the universe reminds you: You Don’t.
On a bit of a different note:
I’ve started working on a new “Things I want for
myself” list. I did one last June, and accomplished many of the things I set
out to do/be/accomplish. Some I keep up with better than others. Some of the things on
the new list are reminiscent of last year’s list. That’s okay. It does me well
to write it down and put it out in the universe.
**PS – After drafting this post earlier today, I found out my
granddad was admitted to ICU with fluid build-up in his chest/around his heart and
pneumonia. I would appreciate it so much
if all my readers would send positive
thoughts and prayers for him!**