
Motivation - a funny thing

Yesterday (I almost wrote "last day", as my 6 year old calls it) was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. For no particular reason... I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Work was stressful but for no real reason other than people were acting like things were on fire (in a metaphorical sense) when really they weren't. Everyone on Facebook was kicking their own personal campaigns for "their candidate" into full gear, so there's a lot of up-in-arms going on there (I have a very politically diverse group of friends). The new school year has just begun and our 6 year old had a really rough year last year, so I'm on edge expecting the worst to happen with that again. And on top of that I made an off-color joke to one of my best friends that really offended her and made her pretty mad at me.

It sucked. 

Normally I feel like I would have gone home and crawled into bed feigning some kind of illness... but I was pretty riled up and kind of wanted to cause physical harm to... well.. everyone. So I did something completely unexpected: I worked out. 

"WHAAAAA???", you say? I know, I know... I was shocked myself. I got home with the kids, fed the baby one of the most nutritional dinners ever (bananas, avocado and brown rice, if you were curious), put on my gym clothes and moments after Mike walked into the door I was in the basement listening to Pandora's Rap Strength Training station and taking my anger and frustration out on my muscles. 

It felt amazing. 

Unfortunately, like an hour later I was right back to being cranky and ragey. I hate to say this.. but I think a run may have done me better. I hate running. And it was really humid last night. Maybe tonight.. even though it's more humid and hotter. I think I need it, though.. 

(Dear Lord: Please don't let me become one of those runners that thinks running is the answer to everything in life. Some of them are my friends and I love them, but let's leave the running to them and the crazy girl-muscles to me. Amen. *adjusts halo*)

I guess I'll have to let you know tomorrow if I actually did go for the dreaded run. I wish I could lift weights every day. Stupid muscle recovery. 

Maybe I'll just dance. Dance my little heart out. 

I feel like I'm a little all over the place with this post, and I apologize for that, so I'm just going wrap it up with calorie counts from yesterday:

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