
Like Whoa.

So I did my first Body Breakthrough workout tonight... Oh Jesus. My heart rate got up to 188 at one point (yes, I wear a heart rate monitor). I thought it might explode. Two of the exercises I couldn't do - not because they were difficult - because I am that out of shape and my lower core is destroyed from having a baby 3 months ago. I'm okay with using alternate exercises for those muscle groups for now. It will be interesting to see how quickly I'll progress to being able to do everything. I'm pretty excited about it! (I feel like I say that a lot... That's a good thing, right?)

The amount of sweat coming out of me... Geez Louise. I don't think my tank top and yoga pants have ever been so soaked. It was pretty gross, not gonna lie. I'm already feeling the ache coming on too and that's WITH the required stretching afterwards. It's a good hurt though, for sure.

I definitely think I need to time my rests between exercises next go around. I'm terrible at this because I somehow think I'm not getting all the bang for my buck but the truth of the matter is that I am much more likely to damage my progress by NOT taking the prescribed 30-60 second rest in between sets. So Thursday, definitely timing my rests. Maybe I won't feel so "I'm gonna stroke out" afterwards that way. Lol.

I did awesome on my eating today and I didn't even really have to think about it. It was awesome. Plus we took a walk on our lunch break to enjoy the beautiful weather, so I got that extra calorie burn in. Now I need to go to fricken bed, so my muscle can repair themselves and so I can maybe feel like a normal person tomorrow.

More insights on the new workout routine soon... Goodnight!

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