
The Big Difference

So, I cheated a little bit… I re-weighed myself Saturday morning and was back at 209 lbs.. and that was after eating breakfast. This is just proof to me that my theory of water retention post-workout was correct. Go me, being all scientific and stuff!

This week if I do my workout Tues/Thurs, I will probably delay my weigh-in until Saturday morning. If I decide to go ahead to do my workout tonight (Monday) and Wednesday, then I’ll stick with my usual Friday weigh-in. This way I give my body a full 24 hours and-then-some of recovery before weigh-in and that should result in less water retention than, say, 10 or 12 hours post-workout. We’ll see.

I think I talked a little bit earlier this week about this phase of the program really only requiring 2 workouts a week and how I’d like to try to get 3 in, etc, etc.. I definitely got 3 workouts in. It wasn’t even a question.

Saturday morning, even after drinking a little Friday night, I got up and banged out another round of Workout A, which took me about an hour. It felt AMAZING! Even though I was tired and a little hung over, I pushed through and pushed hard and afterward I felt 100 times better than I had when I first woke up. Who knew? Hangover cure = strength training. Sunday morning, after enjoying St. Patrick’s Day and celebrating a friend’s birthday a little too much, I found myself wanting to workout again.. even after only about 4 hours of sleep. What is this?! What is this WANTING to workout thing?!

That’s the big difference. So far, on this program, I find myself loving my workouts. I look forward to exercising. I find myself wanting to eat healthier to fuel my body to be able to push as hard as I can during these workouts. It’s an amazing feeling. I’ve never felt this way about exercising. I’ve never enjoyed it. I’ve never seen results so quickly. My arms are already losing their jiggle, my back-fat is fast disappearing - I’m getting CALVES, people!!! I’ve never had calf muscles in my life. Oh, and I have a butt. It’s small, but it’s getting there.   !!! <- those are my excited exclamation points.

Maybe that’s what makes the difference – the being able to see results so quickly. The knowing that this is actually doing something to my body, and in a good way.

On another note, I feel like I'm finally getting back on track with my eating. It's going to be a process, though, I can tell. I'm going to go back to posting my meals like I used to. May as well start with today:
  • breakfast: plain oatmeal w/ stevia and a splash of milk, chocolate cake donut (at work - damn my husband and his donut bringing!)
  • am snack: cottage cheese with fresh cut strawberries
  • lunch: small garden salad w/ black bean salsa, a little cheese, 1 tbsp of spicy ranch dressing, and a lean cuisine baja chicken quesadilla thing
  • dinner: 3 tacos using 90/10 ground beef, 40% less sodium taco seasoning, whole wheat tortillas and a little cheese
Total calories: 1,380

I may have another salad and some fruit in a little while, but that should only add about 150 calories to my count for the day. Still not bad at all. Aside from that donut, I think I did pretty well. 

A quick note on life: a couple weeks ago my baby decided he would no longer like to sleep through the night. The 3am feedings recommenced. We started him on some cereal and a little fruit - that makes his belly hurt. Last Thursday he finally decided to start sleeping until about 5am... getting closer to being back through the night... but now tonight and last night he's decided he hates GOING to bed. Enter in the crying-it-out phase. I hate this. I hate listening to him scream his little lungs out. 1) it makes me a little sad, and 2) it makes me want to claw my eyes out and/or maybe sell him to the gypsies. Ah, the life of a mother. Next time around I'm having puppies instead. Or just all kinds of animals. Sounds like a good deal to me. 

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