I have done really well with my food. I won't go through nearly a week's with of food updates, but let's just say that I did well and stayed within my calories limits with the exception of Friday and Saturday night adult beverages - but this was expected and anticipated.
On to other things...
Here is something some of you may not know about me: I am an Anxietist. This is not really a real word.. I don't think, anyway. Basically, I suffer from some pretty bad anxiety on almost a daily basis. Most of this stems from thinking my body is somehow conspiring against me so that I may just up and die from something weird and unexpected at any moment. It's fun. -.- So when things like, oh say, my hands, feet, and face start randomly tingling and going numb on and off for no reason on a perfectly pleasant Sunday evening, I have a pretty major panic attack.
I'm forever terrified that I'm going to die of a stroke at a young age. Two things contribute to this fear: 1) I'm a smoker who takes birth control, and 2) I get migraine headaches with an aura, which means I'm over 20% more likely to suffer from a stroke or other neurological weirdness in my lifetime... and not just when I'm old. These things have been shown to happen in people in the late teens and early twenties. W. T. F.
Needless to say, when my body parts start tingling and going numb I'm pretty much deciding that it's got to be some sort of stroke happening.. even though I'm, in general, feeling okay. I can still move all my facial muscles like I normally would... I can still speak normally, walk normally, etc. I tell myself everything is okay. Nothing bad is happening. I'm probably just overly tired, etc.
The next day (yesterday), I do a little research and find that this Tingly Weirdness can be a sign of migraine. I get all kinds of nasty migraine symptoms - Tingly Weirdness not being one of them. But that's fine. It's entirely probable that Tingly Weirdness is now going to be a normal symptom of migraine for me. I haven't had a migraine in a long time, though. Months. And I never did get the headache part. Only the Tingly Weirdness. Hmm.
My migraines are usually triggered by something. Not eating often enough, severe sleep deprivation, dehydration, eating too many sweets, consuming artificial sweeteners - to name a few. These are the main culprits. As long as I can avoid these top 5, I'm good to go. Did a little more thinking and internet poking around... and realized that my Tingly Weirdness started around 8:15... I drank a Coke Zero (which contains Splenda/sucralose) around 7:30.
A little background: my husband, Mike, shortly after the first of the year switched from regular soda to diet soda in an effort to lose some weight. I used to drink coke zero all the time a few years back, but gave up artifical sweeteners during 2008 after reading a bunch about how, y'know, they are CHEMICALS THAT CAN CAUSE CANCER AND DESTROY YOUR BODY.
Okay, so Mike starts drinking coke zero like it's going out of style.. it's in our house all the time... so I start drinking one every couple of days with dinner or as a snack.. and then I start realizing that I feel all headachy and gross all the time. I'm like, "Wtf? What is happening to me? Why do I feel like this all the time?" and so I'm trying to think if there's anything different with my normal day-to-day habits and I link it to the coke zero. Alright, fine, I quit drinking it. Until Sunday night, for some reason, when I decided that I HAD to have soda with my homemade cheeseburger... and then the Tingle Weirdness.
Today it just seems to be lingering in my face.. and I've had sort of a dull headache, so I'm thinking this is the very-common migraine "aftershock". Hopefully by tomorrow I'll feel normal. This definitely prevented me from working out tonight. Call me crazy, but something about neurological weirdness going on doesn't make me want to boost my heart rate up to 188 and jump around a whole bunch. Maybe that's just a bad excuse and if I'd done it anyway I'd be feeling closer to normal right now. Who knows?
My depression is definitely creeping in on me this week. I felt it being sneaky over the weekend, but I managed to drown that out with lots of beer (super healthy, right?). Now that the workweek has begun, drinking lots of beer is not really a viable option. Just another reason why I should have worked out tonight - exercise = natural depression ass-kicker. But it's a vicious cycle.
Woe is me.
Oh! Here is something fun and exciting: I am in my friend Andrea's wedding in October and my bridesmaid dress recently came in. It is gorgeous! But even more exciting: I ordered it in a 14 and it fits! Barely. But it's fits!
...my only thing about that is that I hope and pray my subconscious doesn't take that as a cue to go ahead and sabotage my whole Jessica Hotness Plan. We'll see.
By the way, I weighed-in Friday:
Official weight @ 3/23/2012: 211.4lbs
Now, remember last week I weighed in on Friday and was up, but then Saturday morning was back to 209.. well I didn't reweigh this weekend because I hadn't done a workout Thursday night so I didn't have a valid water retention excuse... except that I did start my period on Sunday. So that factors in. Logically, I know this is totally okay. I'm not really gaining. I'm maintaining. Unfortunately I'm just maintaining at about 30-40lbs higher than where I'd LIKE to be maintaining. It's a process. I have to remember that. Plus, I was warned the scale would be my MORTAL ENEMY during this Body Breakthrough program. But I think I'm really letting it get me down... and as much as I want to quit weighing myself, I don't wanna. Maybe I need to scale it back to like, twice a month or something. I don't know. We'll see. I don't want to really tweak what I'm doing too much though, because then I start to feel like I'm just trying to make myself appear like I'm doing better than I actually am. I promised myself and my readers this time around that I would be 100% honest. That means not manipulating my freaking data all over the place to make me seem more successful than I am.
So, I think it's pretty obvious at this point that I won't be meeting my 5 pound goal for March. Unless I miraculously drop 7lbs in the next 5 days. Wouldn't THAT be nice? I think that's another thing that's getting me down.. I was so confident I could reach that goal. Sad panda.
Today's food:
- breakfast: cranberry and flaxseed oatmeal w/ 1/8cup of milk, almonds
- am snack: apples w/ natural peanut butter
- lunch: 6" turkey on wheat from subway, organic peach yogurt, more almonds, a serving of bbq baked lays
- dinner: Biggest Loser baked ziti
- pm snack: tortilla chips w/ salsa
Total calories: 1,529