
Week 4 - Day 2

I was pretty much not hungry at all yesterday.. as the stats will now show...

Day 2:

  • total calories/points: 990 / 23 - the only full meal I ate was dinner.. the rest was just small snacks.
  • no workout - my legs were KILLING me from my workout Saturday. This is a good sign!
  • 0 cigarettes
  • 11pm bedtime
  • $0 spent
I'm not really in the mood to delve into anything else right now - so short post for today!


Week 4 - Day 1

Yesterday's post...

I was too busy having too much fun with my friend Stacy to be bothered to update my blog lol. I don't know that a single Saturday (since the first) since I started this Challenge have I actually updated on my week starts.

End of Week 3 Body Stats:
  • Weight: 194lbs - I have a theory on this... and that is (TMI coming guys, watch out!) I'm on my period this weekend and it's KILLING me and I'm 98% sure that is why my weight has not dropped at all this week. I am going to re-weigh on Wednesday (should be over by then) and see if there's any difference.
  • Waist at belly button: 36.25" - another quarter inch!
  • Hips: (I've been regularly measuring my hips weekly, but haven't been posting this number mostly because there has been very little fluctuation... until NOW) 45.25"!!!!
I feel like the fact that I've "shrunk" so much in my measurements attests to the fact that my weight number is a bit incorrect... anyhoo - like I said, re-weigh on Wednesday and see how it looks then.

I drank more than I realized Friday night and woke up a bit fuzzy-headed and with a bit of a headache.. not full-blown hangover, but close enough to be aggravating. I got up, ate some cereal, had some orange juice, popped a bunch of vitamin B complex , and settled in to catch up on FB. Well, my buddy Adam had posted an article from Men's Health magazine on my wall all about fitness... and how everything we're told is pretty much a lie. LIFE RUINER! So I read the article.. which is awesome... and then I'm all pumped to go lift some weights like I'm a BAMF... so I did. And let me tell you: BEST HANGOVER CURE EVER.  I felt amazing after working out! Plus it was excellent start to Week 4, get right on it right out of the gate. This is a good set-up for the rest of my week.

I also did muuuuuuch better on my eating Saturday. *whew*

Day 1:
  • total calories/points: 1600 / 28 - FYI, for this week I'm upping my daily calories to 1800 since I feel confident that I'm back into a good workout routine. 
  • 45 minute workout, mostly weight lifting, avg HR 160 - guessing between 300-400 calories burned
  • 3 cigarettes / 1 alcoholic drink
  • 2am bedtime - stayed up reading... nerd
  • $6 on Chipotle for dinner


Week 3 - Day 7

Well, 'round about 6pm last night I'd done pretty well for the day - had only eaten about 700 calories throughout the day. Wasn't super hungry, just snacked almost all day. I went out to dinner with some friends, to a Mexican place, and had some steak fajitas without the tortillas. Even with that I hadn't gone over my 1700 for the day.. then the drinks. 2 margaritas, 4 bud lights, and 2 magners later... well.. you'll see below:

Day 7:
  • total calories/points: 2'873 / 66 - I didn't use all my flex/activity points for this week though! So I mean, I guess it's sort of "okay"... and I feel like I say this every week, but it should be okay to have splurge days... but I just am starting to feel like maybe those splurge days should not regularly reach the 3'000 calorie range! Or, if they are, then I definitely need to be hitting the gym on a daily basis!!
  • no workout, of course
  • 5 cigarettes
  • 2am bedtime
  • $40 on dinner... jesus... $12 on drinks afterward - leaving $50 from my monthly fund, and $27 in cash til the 31st.


Week 3 - Days 5, 6 and the spaghetti squash experiment!

Real quick, let me just throw out some stats for yesterday..

Day 5:
  • total calories/points: 1718 / 30 - I splurged a bit at lunch yesterday and went to Cici's Pizza. It sure was delicious, and I was still plenty full come dinner time, so I just had an almond bar for a snack around 8pm which helped stay within my calorie range. 
  • played some Wii dance with James for about 15 mintues - not much, but better than nothing.
  • 0 cigarettes!
  • 10:30pm bedtime - I was hoping real hard for a snow day, but even though the snow came I still had to get my butt to work in the morning so it was a good thing I hit the hay early.
  • $7 spent on lunch
Unfortunately even though I went to bed pretty early, I was up most of the night because my kiddo started running a fever and was in my room every 2 hours for almost the entire night. He's still running fever now, poor thing. :(  I just hope we can all get some good rest tonight so nobody else ends up sick!

So for dinner tonight I made some little steaks with shrimp, mashed potatoes (the only vegetable Mike will eat) and some spaghetti squash to act kind of like a pasta to go with the shrimp. I don't think I cooked it long enough. It was.. crunchy. Which would have been great if I was going for more of a "squashy" thing rather than a "pasta" thing. Also the taste is a little nutty for me - I'm a big fan of zucchini and yellow squash, but I found this to be more of like a butternut or acorn type squash, of which I am not a big fan of. I think I'll probably try this again and cook it a bit longer, just to give it a fair shot. Also maybe I'll pair it with some chicken or fish filets next time instead of steak and shrimp.

I really wanted to hit the gym today, but we got some bad weather through last night and I pretty much just wanted to get home from work before the roads re-froze - then I was thinking I'd just do one of my workout dvds, or some Wii dance (which is my new most favorite thing ever, in case you hadn't noticed) but now I'm starting to feel super run-down and a little feverish myself. UGH! No fun. I really don't want to get sick right now, I really want to stay on track with my exercise since I'm doing so so well with my diet and have made such awesome progress during this 5 Week Challenge! As much as I am/was looking forward to going out at some point this weekend, I think I may just be taking it easy at home and shooting for a trip to the gym on Saturday to give myself a little boost for week 4.

Okay, now some stats for today..

Day 6:
  • total calories/points: 1394 / 20  - this is so far, but I am so full of dinner right now I can't imagine that I'm going to want eat much of anything else tonight. I may have some herbal tea later but that is 0 calories, and hopefully that will stave off and creeping hunger that might start lurking around bedtime. 
  • no workout - will probably do some crunches before bed
  • 0 cigarettes - !!
  • planning on 11pm bedtime
  • $0 spent - lunched at home
I'm really really excited to weigh-in on Saturday - I really hope my good results have continued through this week! My biggest hope for this challenge is to finally come down to those size 16 jeans comfortably. I'm still in my 18s most days even though they're way too big just because the 16's are still just the tiniest bit too small to be comfortable. I'm really starting to be able to tell the difference in the way I look now and it's really motivating!


Week 3 - Day 4

Quit update for yesterday...

Day 4:
  • total calories/points: 1803 / 32 - I was just really rundown and tired last night and all I wanted to do was eat, so I just kind of let myself snack as much as I wanted and I'm really surprised I only went over my calorie count by 100. I'm really not worried about it since I'm getting back on track with exercise this week, plus I didn't go over my points at all.
  • no workout - recovery from my 2 hour stint Monday evening. 
  • 3 cigarettes
  • 11pm bedtime - man, I was SO tired. I didn't not sleep well Monday night at ALL.
  • $0 spent - lunched at home.


Week 3 - Days 2 and 3 BACK ON TRACK!!

Woo!! God DAMN I feel good! I just finished 2 hours of choreographed dancing and even threw some crunches in there at the end - aside from the amazing cardio, I worked the shit out of my arms... I'm gonna be super sore tomorrow and it's gonna feel GREAT! I can't wait!

Okay, so yesterday I didn't really do much of anything except watch football and not eat.. oddly enough. I went to the grocery store and as I was getting ready to leave I realized I was STARVING so I picked up this "Taste of Asia" stir fry stuff.. and it was AMAZING. Plus it came with brown rice so along with that, the veggies and white-meat chicken = supa healthy meal! Even though I ate the entire thing... which is meant for 2 dinners.. lol but you'll see that it affected my daily calorie count very little... on to the stats!

Day 2:
  • total calories/points: 1415 / 33 - OH! I almost forgot to tell you guys - now that I've lost 4 pounds into this Challenge, my daily points went down to 33. Still 49 flex points for each week, though. Even though I already used most of those... lol
  • no workout, lots of recovering from the 3 hour Wii dance extravaganza.. 
  • 2 cigarettes
  • 11pm bedtime
  • $0 spent - groceries don't count
Day 3:
  • total calories/points: 1489 / 24 (so far, although I don't think I'll be eating anything else tonight since it's almost bedtime) So, I know I said at the beginning of this that I wasn't going to count fruit/veggie calories, but I have been anyway because I like to include the fiber/protein content to see if I'm reaching my daily goals on those.. that's why sometimes I'll have a high calorie number, but a low points number, and vice versa. 
  • 2 hours of dancing plus about 60 reps of 3 different ab exercises - according to Discovery Health (which factors in weight) I burned 1195 calories. According to my heart rate monitor I burned like 2200... soooo, I think that makes it pretty clear that my HR monitor SUCKS at counting calories accurately. BUT it regularly give me almost exactly twice what I would actually be burning, so maybe I can go with that then.
  • 0 cigarettes - getting there... slowly.. but getting there. 
  • shooting for 11pm bedtime
  • $3 spent on lunch - I think I've got about $60 left in "fun" money until the 31st. Not bad at all.

I've been seriously considering no longer counting calories burned - mainly because I want to exercise because it makes me feel good and keeps me healthy, not just because I'm striving for some magical "burned" amount. Also I think sometimes it has a tendency to make me want to eat more even if I'm not hungry just because I can, 'cause I have "room" or whatever. I need to think on that a little more. 

My goal this "work" week is to get to the gym AT LEAST once to lift weights.


Week 3 - Day 1, Progress and "splurge" days!

End of Week 2 body stats:
  • Weight: 194lbs - that's 2 more pounds!!!
  • Waist at belly button: 36.5" - no change, but that's okay.
 Day 1:
  • total calories/points: 2478 / 60 points - this leaves me with 20 flex points for the week. These party snacks/dinners are screwing me over lol - plus it probably didn't help that part of those meals was Domino's pizza. I feel like I've really done an excellent job with keeping my alcohol intake in control - only drinking 3 or 4 beers on a Friday or Saturday night and maybe 1 or 2 during the random weeknight outing. This kind of additional calorie intake I can totally handle and plan for.
  • played various Wii dance games for about 3 hours with few breaks - I think overall I probably burned about 500 calories, if not more - I was sweating my ass off! My toe survived quite well and I see no reason why I can't get back to my gym routine this week. I underestimate on my activity tracker with WW just because I was too busy having fun to pay attention to the exact amount of time I was dancing - adding 20 activity points to my weekly flex points bank. 
  • only smoked 5 cigarettes which is pretty flippin' amazing for being in a party-like atmosphere with other smokers.
  • 2am bedtime
  • $8 spent to chip-in for pizza
I'm really proud of this 2 pound per week progress I'm making - I'm already starting to see subtle differences in my body, especially looking at pictures of myself. Last week there were several moments of feeling like I just wanted to eat whatever the hell I wanted all day every day - but I didn't, and I gave myself Saturday to be a "splurge" day. I think knowing I can have that one or two days a week where I don't count calories until the very end of the day (instead of as-I-go) really helps me keep myself under control during those "fuck it" moments. I'm really excited to get back into the gym this week, and even if I don't have the time to make it to the gym, having the knowledge that I can successfully do some cardio at home with my toe makes me feel really good and motivated.

Once I get back into a regular workout routine I'll have to adjust my calorie-intake some. I'll try bumping up to 1800, and if I'm still struggling with strong hunger, 1900. 1700 was the number I shot for in order to maintain weight-loss without regular exercise and so far it is working brilliantly and I'm really proud of myself for that.

Overall I'm feeling really good about these last 2 weeks and good about myself. The steady progress I've been making certainly is motivating!


Week 2 - Days 5, 6, and 7... the f*ck-it week

First and foremost let me apologize for not keeping up with my blog, like, AT ALL this week. Work has been uber uber busy and I've been just so exhausted and/or stressed out when I get home that all I want to do is go to bed or get the hell out of my house and do something fun... which then makes me immediately regret not just going straight to bed.

I started feeling like crap at work on Thursday - mainly because my father-in-law was kind enough to get sick and then continue to come to work and share his germs with the office. With the help of almost-overdosing on Shaklee vitamins and lots and lots of water (drank around 160oz Thurs) I think I managed to keep my immune system strong.

All week this last week I just felt like saying "fuck it" and eating all kinds of junk and be a big lazy lump.. I'm not sure what kept me from actually doing it, but I definitely was lacking on motivation. I think a big part of it was in the beginning of this week I just felt starving all the time and really started hating the WW points system. I think I'll do a lot better with it once I get back on a regular workout routine since I'll have activity points I can use. Speaking of working out - the last 2 days I've started doing crunches in the evenings just to do SOMETHING. My toe is pretty much all better now and I definitely am going to force myself to hit the gym next week. I think I'll just feel so much better all around if I do. 

I don't really want to go through 3 days of stats - but I'll just let it be known that I did not break my calories/points at all the last 3 days. And I'll go ahead and give you stats for yesterday...

Day 7:
  • total calories/points: 1614 / 32 - that's including 3 beers! I had a super late lunch yesterday so I never really got hungry for dinner which left me with room to do some drinking.
  • no workout
  • I've been bad about cigarettes the last couple days - ie: I've been smoking.. but still not a whole lot. Had 4 last night
  • 1am bedtime
  • $10 spent on drinks


Week 2 - Day 4

**Note: I wrote this last night but then just never posted it lol**

Stats - Day 4:
  • total calories/points: 1551 / 28 - excellent day for calorie counting!
  • no workout, though Mike and I played a LOT of Wii... and some of the more "physical" games, so at least I moved around a bit.
  • 0 cigarettes - that's 2 days smoke-free!! I really wanted one this evening though... like more than I think I've ever wanted to smoke ever. I think it was mainly because I was bored and I didn't want to overeat. Isn't that awful? 
  • $0 spent - ate lunch at home. *fist pump*
I've been having some trouble with hunger this week. I think it may be a side effect of eating SOOOO MUCH Friday and Saturday night.

I had a little bit of a crying breakdown on my poor husband Tues. night about his eating habits and general health and he's agreed to really start following me on this get-healthy journey -- I hope that's true, and I hope he does. I'm kind of having a hard enough time keeping myself on it, I really need him to do the work for himself instead of depending on me to just tell him what to do all the time.

I stumbled across a blog through a Yahoo! article yesterday and it's a pretty inspirational story. Check it out if you're interested: Ben Does Life


Week 2 - Day 2 & 3... getting behind on posts again

I'm sorry I'm getting so behind on posts - this should catch me up since this is for yesterday AND today.

I'm not really in the mood for talking to I'm just going to straight to the stats...

Day 3:
  • total calories/points: 1657 / 36 points - used 2 more of my weekly points leaving me with 5. -.-
  • played some dance on the Wii
  • 2 cigarettes
  • 11:30pm bedtime
  • $0 spent
Day 4:
  • total calories/points: 1567 / 34 points - used all my points to a T.. and I'm STARVING. But I'm not gonna eat anything at 10pm. Not happening. Big breakfast in the morning. 
  • had to work late and the sky is spitting ice.. so.. no gym for me tonight. 
  • 0 cigarettes... so far... might have one here in a second..
  • planning to go to bed at 11pm
  • $4 spent on lunch


Week 2 - Day 1 (Saturday's Post)

Okay, so I stepped on the scale yesterday morning... I LOST 2 POUNDS!!! Well, 1.8... but 2 POUNDS!!! I'm really really proud of myself. So for the official tracking aspect:

End of Week 1 body stats:
  • Weight: 196.0 *fist pump*
  • Waist at bellybutton: 36.5"
Now... for... the other stats.. which I'm not proud of.. at all. If I'm going to do this Weight Watchers thing I basically have to completely stop drinking.. because it's killing me on points. KILLING ME. I'm so embarrassed to even post this right now...

Day 1:
  • total calories/points: 2576... 76pts.. *kills self* This weekend was DEFINITELY a fail weekend. All I can do is learn from this experience and move forward. But seriously... uggggghhh.. 
  • no workout
  • 5 cigarettes
  • 1am bedtime
  • $0 spent
So I have only 7 flex points left for the week. I'll have to be really careful about what I eat/drink the rest of the week. I'm also going to get back in the gym this week - my toe is so much better and for the last 4 days I've been able to walk normally on it without any pain or discomfort. I'm really excited about this! I may even go today... if I can recover from my hangover... before 5pm... we'll see. 

Week 1 - Day 7 and Weight Watchers

Well, folks. I did it. I broke down and joined Weight Watchers online. They were running a 3 month special - I figure that will be enough time for me to get used to the new points system and be able to keep up with it on my own. I'm actually really excited about it!

I will probably still count calories along with points... maybe forever lol. I'd like to say "just until I'm comfortable with the points-system", but I like knowing my calorie-count. Also with the way the new Points Plus works I need to know the fat/carb/protein/fiber content of everything I'm eating, and the calorie counter I use will be excellent for that especially when it comes to creating meals and stuff.

OKAY! SO! Technically since I chose my weigh-in day to be Saturday (tomorrow, eee!! I'm really excited to see how I've done this week!) WW is counting this passed week (Jan. 8th - tomorrow) as my first week - which is excellent since this is Week 1 for the 5 Week Challenge. I'll start posting points along with calories starting tomorrow, since it will be a big pain in the butt to go back through the whole week and reenter all my foods into the WW site.

Here are stats for tonight... which... aren't very good lol. I DEFINITELY took the term "splurge" day to heart...

Day 7:
  • total calories: 2417 *cringe* I know.. it's really bad. That's all my regular/flex calories plus 158. It was the Papa Johns at 12am. A good friend went through a break-up earlier in the evening so I stopped by to talk and have some drinks... and we were both starving... and sometimes Papa Johns happens. I'm not proud. lol
  • no workout
  • 5 cigarettes
  • 2am bedtime - would have been earlier but it seemed like a brilliant idea to play 30 mins of Bioshock 2 after I got home. 
  • $40 spent from monthly fund - $60 left for the month



Week 1 - Days 5 and 6

I've gotten WAY behind - I know it, I'm sorry.

Let's stick to the nitty-gritty first...

Day 5:
  • total calories: 1573 - and let me tell you I was STARVING when I went to bed.. this was the day that most of my calories consisted of fruits and veggies and, yes, I counted those even though I originally said I wasn't gonna... the number if I didn't include those? 1300. Which I guess is okay since I'm not really working out... but I'm not really trying to make this an everyday occurrence. 
  • no workout
  • 2 cigarettes
  • 10pm bedtime- GO ME!
  • $0 spent - ate at home for lunch
Day 6:
  • total calories: 1711, leaving 559 flex calories for the week.
  • no workout
  • like... 9 cigarettes
  • 12:30 am bedtime - not "go me"...
  • $4 spent - last of the money's for the pay period
Now to get back on track... 


Week 1 - Day 4 Last Night's Post

My husband confiscated the computer last night to look up video game stuff so I was not able to put up my post.

First and foremost: I have to say I'm really proud of myself for being SO much better about housework the last couple weeks. Since our NYE party I've kept the main floor of the house in excellent condition and have even managed to get the upstairs vacuumed once or twice. At some point this week/weekend I want to hit Target and get a dry-erase board for the kitchen so I can have my household to-do's right there where I'll see it every day. Also - I'm almost completely caught up on my laundry which is a feat within itself. Go me! Okay, now stats...

Day 4:

  • total calories: 1706 which leaves 570 flex calories for the week.
  • no workout but I DID take down all the Christmas stuff which involved dragging boxes around and running up and down the stairs... well... as much "running" as one can do with a broken toe. Heh. 
  • 3 cigarettes... boo.
  • 11pm bedtime - yeah!
  • $3 on lunch - I have, I think, like $7 left in cash til pay day.. not really sure how that happened other than I must have spent money on something I forgot about. I should invest in a tiny notepad for my purse to keep track of these things. 
I really want to get Mike into this whole "get healthy" kick - so I think I'm going to start tracking his calories for him just so at the end of a week I can put it in his face and say, "SEE?!" He is a bit of a short-boy... and probably eats like someone who is 6'4" and doesn't like exercise, like, at all. It's a treacherous combination. I would prefer he not have a heart attack and die at 40. But that's just me. 

One thing that's really going to suck about this 5 weeks and getting my exercise in - on top of having the retarded toe, it's the beginning of the busy season at work so getting out of the office by 4:30pm to hit the gym before picking James up from daycare isn't always going to work. I will most likely have to just suck it up and go in the evenings on those days.. which is what I used to do back in the day anyway. I just feel like it's better to be able to get it done and out of the way before dinner and bedtime stuff with James. Oh well!


Week 1 - Day 3

So, I watched this episode of My So-Called Life last night and one of the characters mentioned eating cookie dough raw and now I've been totally craving it!! So bad... lol I'm just glad I didn't have to hit the grocery store today otherwise I may have broken down and bought some. *tisk tisk*

We went to dinner at Old Country Buffett *vomit* tonight for Mike's dad's birthday.. I had baked fish filet and a salad, a tiny piece of carrot cake for desert, and a tiny serving of soft serve. It was all awful. I'll tell you what: Golden Corral is like a fucking five star restaurant compared to Old Country Buffet. True. Fact. We also had Taco Bell for lunch today - but I stuck with just a 7-layer burrito and taco. Good stuff. I do love Taco Bell... it's such a guilty pleasure.

So! In spite of all that.. check this out:

Day 3
  • total calories: 1653 - WOO!
  • no workout - thinking maybe I need to give my toe some more time so I don't eff it up real bad and cause like permanent nerve damage to my poor foot. Might at least do an ab workout or something tomorrow.
  • 4 cigarettes at my mom's... bad influence. I need to just up and quit like my cousin Maury has done - and I can honestly say she was in WAY DEEPER than I am. lol Maybe that's not quite an accurate assessment since I can't seem to give up my 15 cigarettes a WEEK... ugh.
  • going to bed as soon as I finish writing this - 11pm! Gonna shoot to actually get out of bed when my alarm goes off in the morning.
  • $4 for lunch off what was left on my rebate card from AT&T so nothing out of my weekly cash fund, and nothing for dinner since it was the in-law's treat. Good deal there. 
I'm really proud of myself on my calories the last couple days - I've been trying to eat really healthy foods (even out and about) and have kept TONS of fruit for snacks and that is really helping me stay super full during the day. Without the workouts I can really feel my energy lagging, so I'm really trying to motivate to get on-track even with my toe injury... that feels so dumb to say. "I can't workout because I slammed my baby toe just walking around my house." -.-

My poor husband is sick and I'm just going to hope and pray and OD on vitamins until it passes... and, with a little luck, not catch those tiny yucky germs. Yes I just made a Yo Gaba Gaba reference. DON'T JUDGE ME.

Goal for tomorrow: start a new book. We have no Netflix dvds right now and there's nothing good on tv this week until Gray's on Thursday so there's no excuse for me to not pick something up and get back on the reading band-wagon. *thumbs up*

You readers out there need to update me on your 5 Week Challenge statuses! How's it going? :)


Week 1 - Day 2

Day 2
  • total calories: 1561 - go me! Ate tons of fruits and veggies today and that kept me feeling full and satisfied. I did order some Kung Pao shrimp for dinner with brown rice - but only ate about a fist-sized portion so now I have plenty leftover to eat for lunches this week. 
  • no workout - toe keeps getting better though!
  • 0 cigarettes
  • shooting for an 11pm bedtime
  • $15 spent on chinese - $30 left til next pay period. 
I started watching "The Cape" on NBC earlier - it was awful. I only lasted 30 minutes. I got the 4th disc for My So-Called Life from Netflix yesterday so I'm watching some of that now while I update this. I feel like I don't really have much to talk about since I haven't been working out - I did have a bit of a panic attack Friday night which I think it definitely a side effect of not getting enough sleep and/or exercise. Hopefully we won't have much more of THOSE!

Week 1 - Day 1

I'm going to be honest... not a great start to this whole thing lol:

Day 1
  • total calories: 1874 -- 174 flex calories used - all on beer. Stupid beer. 576 for the week. 
  • no workout
  • 6 cigarettes
  • 12am bedtime - go me! Even after going out and everything!
  • Our bar tab was a little out of control so we used $50 of our Christmas money for that. Eesh.  
I had every intention of taking a picture and posting it for my "before" or whatever, but it didn't happen. Maybe I can accomplish that at some point this week. *crosses fingers*

On a really positive note: my toe is feeling a million times better and I can pretty much walk normally on it which makes me really hopeful to be able to hit my workout goals this week. We'll see.


5 Week Challenge - Start!

Hi everyone!

Well, today is the start of the 5 Week Challenge (well, I'm starting today, I suppose some of you might prefer to start Monday)!

Here are my beginning body stats:

  • Weight: 197.8lbs
  • Chest: 40"
  • Waist at bellybutton: 37"
  • Hips: 46"
  • Arms (flexing): 13"
  • Thighs: 27"
End of Challenge goal weight: 188lbs. 

Let the measurements be what they will. I have ideas of "eventual" goals as far as measurements go, but right now I'm only focusing on the next 5 weeks. My toe is feeling amazingly better these last couple days and I'm going to see if I can squeeze my foot into my gym shoes tomorrow and take a stab at doing some low-impact cardio on a stationary bike and also get some weight training in on Monday.

Daily calorie goal: 1700
Weekly flex points: 700

Sometimes I feel like flex points should really be called "alcohol points".. haha! My friend Holly just started back up with Weight Watchers on their new "Points Plus" system which is really focused on high nutrient foods (ie, fruits, vegetables, lean meats) - in fact all fruits and almost all veggies are now ZERO POINTS! That's pretty exciting. She's going to fill me on more of the details and I may choose to go ahead and follow the Points Plus along with her... but for now my plans is to not count whole fruit and veggie calories (with the exception of corn and potatoes, high-starch low-nutrient veggies). For example: if I have a salad with asparagus, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, cheese and dressing I will just be counting the calories for the cheese and dressing. An apple with peanut butter? Only the peanut butter. Let's see how that goes.   I'm still struggling to find a calorie "schedule" that really works for me. It's pretty much still a guessing game at this point.

I'm really excited about this! I will post today's final calorie-count tonight after the football game.


Quick little article to check out...

Thought some of you might get some good use of these tips. I know I did! Most of it I feel like I already knew - but I think I might give the eggs with a slice or two of bacon a try. It might also help to encourage me to get up on time in the mornings so I have time to cook a yummy metabolism boosting breakfast!

8 Tips for Boosting Metabolism


It's my depression...

So this toe thing.. it sucks really bad. Like.. really bad. I'm missing the gym already. Also - this is day 2 smoke-free, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm not planning on going out tomorrow night to anywhere other than the grocery store (I have enough fruits and veggies to last me one more day but that's it - I hate that), and Saturday Mike and I have a babysitter to go out to watch the Colts play-off game and we're going to Glory Days which is a smoke-free restaurant/bar so hopefully I should make it through the weekend!!!

Pray for me lol.

Stats for yesterday, 1/5:
  • total calories: 1679 - woo! go me! plus ate LOTS of fruits and veggies.
  • no workout - lots of propping up my foot with ice packs on it.
  • 0 cigarettes
  • 11:45pm bedtime
  • $0 spent - $52 till the 15th
I started planning out meals for next week to make sure I stay under my calorie-count. I'm still determined to start my 5 Week Challenge on Saturday. It's going to be difficult, but I have to do this and I can't use this toe thing as an excuse. 


Oh the pain, the sadness!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have broken my baby toe. This - 3 days before I plan to start my 5 Week Challenge to get back in the gym/dance/run/do SOMETHING active 5 days a week as well as continuing my calorie count in order to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks... I'm seriously going to cry just thinking that I may not be able to do this to the intensity and extent that I want to. I'm really hoping maybe, somehow my swollen, purple super uber painful toe is just sprained and not broken... I'm thinking that's not likely seeing as it hurt so bad this morning just lying in bed that I thought I might throw-up a little.

note: Ibuprofen is a miracle drug.

I'm so mad at myself. I mean, seriously. If I had just walked to the bathroom a little slower, if I just hadn't been wearing make-up therefore eliminating the need for me to go hunting for my make-up remover... if I just hadn't stayed up until 1am... uggh..

My plan for the day is to move as little as possible while at work (yes, I still came to work because I'm an idiot. We'll see if I make it back from lunch), get some surgical tape from CVS or somewhere and tape this toe to a healthy toe, prop up my foot and take a nap when I get home since I barely slept last night with the late bedtime combined with broken-toe pain, pump myself full of Shaklee vitamins and pray pray pray that I can squeeze my foot into my gym shoes and at least do upper-body/core workouts next week with maybe a little stationary bike or elliptical action... so much for my excellent idea of doing Just Dance to get my cardio in on days I don't hit the gym. -.-

(Just took my sock off to show Alex my toe... uh, yeah, it looks like 100 times worse than it did this morning... FML!)

Stats for 1/4/11:

  • total calories: 1943 - 150 flex calories until Saturday. -.-
  • no workout
  • a LOT of smoking.. uggggghhhhh!!! the more I write in this post the more I kind of hate myself...
  • 1am bedtime... 
  • $6.67 spent at Taco Bell for myself and Mike, $17.30 spent on drinks while watching the Arkansas game including tip... total spent: $23.97. $52 left till the 15th (next pay period).


Let's try this again... 5 Week Challenge!!

(*Note: 5 Week Challenge stuff at the bottom of this post)

I should have posted last night, but there was a little bit of drama over whether or not we'd be going out for the Virginia Tech bowl game and it just didn't get done.

I'm going a little crazy with my calories.. I'm pretty sure my junk-food addiction is back full-force and there's this little voice inside of me that keeps saying, "Go ahead, eat whatever you want. It's cool. You deserve this. You've been working really hard." WTF is THAT all about?! Yes I've been working really hard, so now I should, what? RUIN IT ALL?

The first week in December I broke the 200lb mark (in a good way) - I was at 196. A couple weeks later I came back up to 198, which was fine. Really. I've now been at 198 for about 2, going on 3 weeks. Just like in November I hit about a 3 week plateau at 200. Losing 2lbs/month is not working for me. That's only about a half a pound a week and that's really pitiful. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this. I feel like, with the exception of Christmas weekend and New Year's weekend, I've done really well with my calories and I'm keeping myself pretty mobile even on days I don't make it to the gym or force myself to do a workout video at home. I think subconsciously I'm trying to give up because I'm not seeing the results I want in the time-frame I want. I thought for sure by now I'd be able to comfortably fit into all my size 16 jeans - that's not happening. I can fit into the same 2 pair I could wear comfortably 2 months ago.... HOWEVER, I feel like my 18s are BIGGER THAN EVER. It's a very weird in-between point. I also kind of feel like I haven't really been tracking my progress as well as I'd like to be as far as clearly posting my weight and measurements. When I go back in my blog it's really hard for me to find where I posted what, etc.. and my old blogs are an even bigger mess. Back in June I want to say I weighed between 215 and 218.. maybe more since I didn't have a good scale at that point.. but I never weighed myself consistently and I never weighed myself first thing in the morning because I would never think about until after I got home from work, so REALLY I might have only been at like 210 or 212.. maybe less.. -.-   So I'd LIKE to think that I've lost about 20lbs over the last 6 months... but really it might be closer to like 10. Which is SAD AND PITIFUL. SAD AND PITIFUL, I SAY!!!

Basically what it comes down to is I'm running out of steam because I feel like my entire life is being consumed with "how many calories is this? how many calories have I burned? if I get a little drunk will I be retaining water tomorrow when I step on the scale in the morning?" etc, etc, etc... but it's not really in a health-conscious way, it's almost in a what-can-I-get-away-with kind of way. I'm not really sure how to break that way of thinking.

I WANT this. I WANT a healthier lifestyle. I WANT to quit smoking. I WANT to limit my alcohol intake (which I feel like I've done an excellent job with, btw, but I'll talk more about that later...). I WANT to lose another 40 pounds. I want it SO HARD. And I'm willing to work for it... but apparently just not as hard as I should be.

I'm taking a mulligan, a do-over, a re-do, whatever you want to call it. I'm starting fresh with a little more structure. I need to stop sabotaging myself - and that doesn't mean "no more splurge days" or whatever. It just means don't eat the donut if you're not actually hungry. Don't eat the donut simply because the donut is THERE.

And with the calories.. I need to just plan out my meals. I need to do that for probably 2 weeks until I get back to being "used" to eating about 1700-1800 calories/day. I think I really want to add in flex calories too. Right now my "goal" intake is 1900 - so I can cut that to 1800 and have my 700 flex. Right now I feel like a total failure every time I break that 1900 mark, even though a lot of the time I'm eating closer to 1600 and those spike days are probably actually good for my metabolism, it's just the mental/emotional side of it.

*deep sigh*

SO.. here we go. I'm gonna lay it out for you - for myself. I'm going to start with a short-term goal. 

  1. 5 weeks. 10 pounds. Weeks beginning on Saturdays - this way I have plenty of time to weigh myself and take measurements before eating breakfast on weigh-in days. 
  2. I'm going give myself 1800/day with 700 flex calories/week - eating 5 times a day. 
  3. I'm going to shoot for weight training 3 times a week with 15-20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. Whether that's mon-fri or including weekends, it doesn't matter.
Health-wise that's what I'm focusing on. 

Financially I want to start tracking all my spending. I'm going to start keeping a notepad with me and write down everything I spend and on what - including cash purchases. What I've been doing is just keeping x-amount of cash on me and when it's gone it's gone. No more. I want to know where my money is going. 

I told you all over the weekend that I had started journaling - I may start typing up some of my journal entries and posting them here as well, just as a track of my emotional well-being. 

Those of you out there in reader-land who don't already keep a fitness blog/regular fitness routine - I ask you to join me in my 5 Week Challenge! 

The Challenge will begin Saturday January 8th and end Saturday February 12th. 

Post beginning stats -- weight, waist-at-belly-button, hips, chest, arm, and thigh measurements -- this coming Saturday. You can posted them either in my comments here, start your own blog, or (if you want to be THAT brave) put them up on Facebook. I plan to do a weekly weigh-in as well as waist measurements, but all else I will remeasure at the end of the 5 week period. 

I laid out how I plan to lose my 10 pound above -- counting calories, multiple small meals throughout the day, and exercising 5 times a week. However you want to do it is up to! Although I don't suggest becoming anorexic or bulemic... heh. 

Let me know what your plan is! :)


Another Holiday weekend - another catch-up

I had stated last week that I would not be counting calories New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. I stuck to that - but just now finished adding foods to MyPlate for what I did eat over those 2 days. I did an excellent job! Even with my drinks NYE.

I don't think I ever posted my stuff for Wednesday - important stats for that is total calories 1869. No workout, though. 

Here are my full stats for Thurs, Fri, and Saturday:

Thursday, 12/30:
  • total calories: 1550
  • calories burned: 350 - made it to the gym!
  • 0 cigarettes
  • 11:30pm bedtime
  • $7 spent on lunch
Friday, 12/31:
  • total calories: 2017 including all alcohol. 
  • maybe about 100 calories or so burned from playing a little bit of Just Dance at our party.
  • more cigarettes than I can possibly count... at LEAST a whole pack's worth. Eff. It was awful. Plus being up til almost 6am.. Jesus. Never again. NEVER AGAIN.
  • 6am bedtime.. I want to die just reading that.
  • $0 spent
Saturday, 1/1:
  • total calories: 1809 - went to mom's for "junk food" dinner. I mostly just ate cocktail shrimp lol.
  • no workout, I'm surprised I was even still able to function after my late "night".
  • 4 or 5 cigarettes at my mom's
  • 12am bedtime
  • $0 spent
So, one quick thing: I got my Heart Rate Monitor from amazon the other day - SUPER excited about that. It counts calories and all that stuff too, so tomorrow when I hit the gym I'm gonna strap that baby on and see what my actual calorie count is for my routine. Very excited!!

I already know I'm going to go over my 1900 calories for today because I was so bad and had Starbucks pastry for breakfast WITH a chai.. that was over half my caloric intake for the day right there.

I'm not really a New Year's resolution kind of girl, but there is one thing I started last night - journaling. Like real, actual, not-a-blog, take a pen and write in a notebook journaling. I think this will really help with my mental health. I'm pretty excited about it actually. :)  I hope I'll keep up with it.

Aside from staying up for 24 hours straight, my New Year has started off pretty awesome. We went and see Harry Potter 7 today, which was SUPER AWESOME. Yesterday was spent with family, and then snuggling into bed with my hubby last night felt so awesome after being up all night the night before. I'm looking forward to starting the new week with a trip to the gym tomorrow and getting some laundry done!

2011 for me is going to be about focusing on the simple things and the important things. Less dramatics, more family values. I'll expand a little bit more on this maybe tomorrow.

Happy New Year!!!