
Real quick...

I know I owe you all a real post... and I've had one coming together in my head for several days now... but for the moment I'll just leave you with this:

(all photos taken 7/8/2013 (c) copyright Jess vs Life)

I want to say that I'm unbelievably happy with these pictures. I look bangin' even with some whey protein bloat going on. One of these days I'll remember to take a morning body pic instead of a 9pm-post-workout-post-protein-shake pic.

I leave for the beach this week and that means one of two things:
1. I'll have free time to put together one or more decent blog posts
2. I'll completely ignore the internet and be busy doing beachy things

We'll just have to see how much it rains while we are there... ;)

1 comment:

  1. You look great on your pictures. You're doing great! Have fun at the beach.
