So last week (and looks so far this week as well) I only worked out 1.5 times. I say 1.5 because I did a full workout on Monday and then a 15 minute workout on Friday before taking my eldest to his judo class.
I will be honest: that 15 minutes kicked my ass pretty hard for being just 15 minutes. Definitely a great option when you're in a pinch for time, but not sure I'd recommend doing this as your only exercise. Then again: any movement is movement, right?
Over the weekend I developed an awesome case of bronchitis and was just too worn down this Monday and Tuesday to motivate myself to lift lots of weight, sweat profusely, and boost my heart rate. Plus there's that whole thing about being careful about strenuous exercise if you're having sickness symptoms affecting you below the neck - ie: stuffy nose? Do that workout! coughing up green phlegm and/or running a fever? GO TO BED YOU CRAZY PERSON!
I have not run any fever.. but I have been coughing up some colorful things. So I gave myself a little bit of a break the beginning of this week. Then Wednesday evening I started feeling like a lazy loaf. I got motivated all of a sudden. I thought, "Well, I haven't been coughing UP anything for the last 24 hours, just coughing in general... maybe I will be okay." My workout was great! Felt a little weak through some of the squats, but other than that it made me feel so much better!
Until Thursday.
Thursday I felt like I wanted to die. I even went to bed early Weds night because after working out I got really, really tired... probably because I'm a sickie and my body needs rest not one-leg-bent-knee-split-Romanion-deadlifts.
I was just so scared, you guys. So scared I was going to fall off the exercise bandwagon. So scared now that I've upped my calorie intake, all of a sudden I would lose my motivation to exercise and lose all the muscle I've worked hard for and would pack on pounds of fat. Fear makes an excellent motivator in this case.
Then this weekend.
Even though I felt like death Thursday, Friday night my dad and I were supposed to go to Virginia Tech for some Hokie football action. I did not want to cancel this awesome father/daughter trip because of a stupid chest cold. Friday I felt okay. Not 100%, but definitely better than Thursday. So we went. Saturday I felt AWESOME. I felt better than I've felt in almost 2 weeks. We had a great day, the game was awesome (Hokies came back and won the game after a 20 point deficit at the end of the 1st quarter of the game), we went out for delicious pizza and drank delicious October-y beer. I even went to bed at a decent time!
Then I woke up Sunday (yesterday) with my head feeling like someone has poured cement into it. Not a hangover, ladies and gents - a terrible, terrible head cold.
How does one go from a chest cold to a head cold? Isn't it the other way around?
So all day yesterday as I drove the 5 hours back home I told myself I would not die. I went to bed at 9:30 last night. I woke up at 8 this morning feeling EVEN WORSE. Unfortunately because of the goddamn IRS and their stupid deadlines I HAD to come into work even though I'm running a low-grade fever and probably infecting everyone else in the office right now.
My initial thought was: come in, take care of the few things that require taking care of absolutely by today, go home in an hour or two.
Oh, no no no. That isn't possible. Because people are stupid. And that's all I'm going to get into on that.
So, here I am having pushed myself to the point of pure exhaustion leading to germs taking over my body.. and I can't even at this point get the rest I need. I have a wedding this weekend. I'd like to get back on my normal workout routine at some point before the end of the year. I'm EXHAUSTED. I NEED TO SLEEP. But work forever comes first, it seems. And it makes me want to kill myself and makes me fear that I'm going to end up gaining back all the weight I've lost over the last 10 months within the next 3. It's enough to drive a person to drink. Oh, wait. I already do that.
Hang in there, and continue drinking - in a positive way! It's stress and it's sickness but you've lost the weight you lost for a reason. I don't think you'll gain it back that quickly!