I weighed myself this morning - and I have lost 2lbs (putting me at 214)! lol It's not much, but it's something. I'm on my way. And I'm finally getting my calories under control - with the exception of this past Saturday (I broke the 3,500 mark! I basically ate a pound onto myself, yuck!). But there will be none of that moving forward!!
According to this awesome, handy-dandy little tool on WebMD's website (Diet Evaluator) I should be able to meet my goal weight in 36 weeks like my REAL goal weight... My "I'm a sexy bitch" goal weight... And that ultimate goal weight is 160lbs. And thanks to this hand-dandy tool it looks like if I do what I actually plan to do this is totally realistic. It's going to be so worth the hard work I'm going to put into this effort. I'm so ready for my outside image to match the me I see in my head.
Since my goal weight is 160lbs, that means I have 54lbs to lose from where I am today. I'd like to get close to this goal, if not actually reach it, by October of this year. In order to keep myself on track, I want to set small goals for myself over the next 8-9 months. Therefore:
- Goal weight by March 1st: 210lbs
- retake measurements
I feel like this is a very realistic goal. February is a shorter month, but if I can keep my eating in check like I have been easing back into and get back in the gym 3-4 times a week like I'd really like to, there's no reason I can't meet this goal or even exceed it.
When I started blogging again at the beginning of this month I know I made a big deal about "waist not weight". It's one of my little positive affirmation dealies that I have listed in my little right-hand menu area. Because I've never really consistently tracked my measurements while attempting to lose weight, I'm not really sure what a realistic "shrinkage" goal is - half an inch in a month? a quarter inch? So right now I'm marking my goals by pounds lost. I plan to retake my measurements today or tomorrow (Feb 1st), to compare to my initial measurements taken January 1st. Since I feel like I didn't really start my weight-loss "plan" until about a week or so ago, I'm not expecting to see much, if any, difference in my measurements. Let's face it - a 2 pound loss in a month is not really a big deal. Considering I haven't really significantly changed my habits, I'm pretty happy with it. But with the habit changes firmly in place, I will definitely expect some better results for the month of February. I'm hoping by comparing my inches lost from February 1st to March 1st I can get a good idea of what to expect of myself moving forward and can set "shrinkage" goals as well as actual weight loss goals - therefore sticking more firmly to my Waist Not Weight mantra.
To address my January goals - I'm back to drinking soda only once or twice a week (if that), I did manage to sugar detox but without really purposely doing so (whatever works right?), and I'm back to drinking my nearly-a-gallon of water a day. I would say I was pretty successful!
Goals for February:
- Gym it at least 3 times a week
- Keep calories at 2100 or less on gym days
- Keep calories at 1800 or less on non-gym days
- Lose 4lbs
- Post "before" pictures