Okay, ladies and gentlemen... today I'm going to talk a little bit about "Fitness Fads" and the people that like to follow them... ie: ME. Yes, I'm that chick. But only just recently.
There was a time where I went to the gym 6 days a week, weighed all of 137lbs and wore a size 10... we refer to those days now as "When I was 17/18/19"... I miss those days. Then I started dating someone that encouraged laziness and gluttony and I followed suit blindly.
Then I had a baby.
Then I lost alllll the babyweight and then-some because I was sooooooo sleep-deprived and depressed... and then I realized "oh, wait, I'm 21, I can go out and DRINK!". And I did. And I gained all 30lbs of babyweight back thank to Mr. Captain Morgan and his good buddy Coke.
Let's fast-forward a little bit... to where I meet my now-husband and decide I should not be that-fat-chick-Mike's-dating or it's ugly cousin the he's-so-thin-and-good-looking-why-is-he-with-HER?! girl. So I joined a gym. And I went 5 days a week. And I lost about 15lbs - putting me at about 185... and then I GOT ENGAGED (!!!! very exciting stuff here), and I started spending MORE time at the gym and in 6 months lost ANOTHER 15lbs putting me back at my pre-baby weight of 170lbs just in time for my wedding. WOO!
I'm not sure if any of you know this... but one of the side-effects of getting married is... GETTING FAT.
True fact.
I should have done something last year when at the beginning of the spring I realized my 14's were getting a little snug... and then by the end of the summer I had to "graduate" to 16's... and then by the new year I had to graduate YET AGAIN to an 18. EIGHTEENS!!!!! Wtf?! I went from being 170lbs in September of '08 and fitting into a 14 EASY (and even some 12s), to being 190lbs by September of '09, to being where I am today at 205lbs in September of '10. That's 35 fuckin' pounds in 2 years. Depressing isn't it?
I think so.
But I've finally realized that I can't just be complacent in my very comfortable size 18 jeans. I look at the 14s living in the top of my guest room closet and I miss them SO BAD. Some of those are really badass jeans and I can't fit in them anymore. It's tragic. ...so what did I do? Did re-up my gym membership for the super low price of $220 for the WHOLE YEAR?! (For those of you not wanting to do the math.. that only $18/month - which would have been a pretty amazing deal.) No, I did not re-up my gym membership. I was doing yoga, goddamnit. Nearly everyday. But not the good fat-burning power yoga. Oh, no no. I was doing the relaxing, stretching, meditation kind of yoga. So then I decided... I was going to start running. Yes. That's right. Running. At 6am every morning. And then I would do yoga in the evenings. Yes, that's right. Running in the mornings, yoga in the evenings.
I have a 4 year old. I work full-time. I own a home. Honestly, how the fuck did I think I was going to be able to pull that off just out of nowhere having very little routine instilled in me for work-outs as it was?
I was delusional. Obviously.
Some friends of mine started talking about P90X. (If you don't already know what that is, go
here) Well, after some research we decided to start with Power 90 (
here) - which is basically P90X-light. Mike and I jumped on the bandwagon and spent 3 months, 6 days a week, doing these workouts. I lost an inch off my arms, and an inch off my waist. Lost about 7lbs altogether.
I started a 2nd cycle a few weeks ago but realized I was completely bored with the workouts since it's the same resistance training/cardio every other day. But the problem is... I've become a Fitness Fad-natic. I read every stupid article on Yahoo! Shine about weightloss, how to get a flat tummy "in 3 easy steps", "Workouts For Work - Right At Your Desk!". Yep. I'm THAT chick. Spamming your Facebook newsfeed with all kinds of useless crap... the only one I found that seems to actually work is
The Chocolate Milk Diet, oddly enough.
So now that I'm completely broke and can't afford to re-join the gym and start hitting the eliptical and weight machines hardcore, I'm committed to the home workout. My newest adventure: Jackie Warner. You may know her as that super lesbian with a show on Bravo... now she's actually got
TWO shows on Bravo. Not gonna lie... her abs kind of scare the shit outta me - but she really seems to know her stuff and I decided I'm willing to take a gamble on her.
Today, waiting for me at home, is her book (greatest title ever) "This Is Why You're Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More - And Keep The Weight Off" and two of her workout videos. I'm STOKED!
Tomorrow is my usual grocery shopping day so I'm hoping to be able to read through enough of the book this evening to know what I should pick up to start off on the right track next week. I'm planning on kicking everything into gear Monday, but I may actually start this weekend - I'm just going to try not to put any pressure on myself to start right away tomorrow since we have a pretty busy weekend ahead of us, and being stressed out certainly isn't going to help anything - plus I probably should try to rest my body a bit since I have this horrible chest-cold-thing going on.